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Comment Re:HA! (Score 1) 176

*embarrassed* I read them over but missed the data options mixed with the voice plans. About 6months ago I went over all of the options I knew about and was frustratingly disappointed.

Thanks for reading more carefully than I did. I'm looking to sign up with one of these guys after work today.

Comment Re:HA! (Score 2) 176

Maybe it's just me being picky and not a competition issue...but I rarely get close to 400min/mo. That's the smallest plan offered (unless I'm a senior) and I pay $39. I have a smart phone, but don't have a data plan (use wifi only)--but would love to have one. I think a data plan would cost another $20-30 (about $70 total before taxes).

None of those plans would really fit my needs. What I would prefer is similar to what I saw in London; a pay-as-you-go talk and data system. Nobody in the US has pay-as-you-go data and the pay-as-you-go talk stuff has weird rules where things expire at the end of the month or you get charged a dollar a day.

I'm willing to believe that I'm an outlier and one of the few who can look past that impulse to pay nothing up front in exchange for a contract and high monthly bill.

Comment Re:Once you have discovered (Score 2) 674

I can't remember the specific article I read, but hopefully the Loudness War is coming to an end because of the rise of digital streaming (and their normalization and other volume adjusting algorithms), but who knows, that could start a Dynamics War.

Wikipedia has some info on it:

Comment Re:Frist to get jailbroken... (Score 1) 312

Is this the one you type in the lock screen? I just found and read the article and it's unclear. If so, I thought the iPhone makes you wait longer and longer after consecutive failed attempts which would slow down a brute-force attack quite a bit. Also, I can't remember if it was an Exchange policy, a feature on the iPhone (or of Android), but I thought I remember seeing a setting that would wipe the phone after 10 consecutive failed attempts.

Comment Re:Great Opertunity For Google (Score 4, Informative) 199

Steve Jobs said it at the WWDC keynoe when it was announced in June of last year:
"We're going to the standards bodies starting tomorrow and we're going to make FaceTime an open industry standard."

Sorry for the YouTube link, I couldn't load Quicktime streaming here.

Comment Re:Because of bad examples (Score 1) 720

In the larger and and more critical config files usually we'd validate and keep it under revision control. Unless it's writing out an ascii config file, it's hard to diff a gui or work with example configs. It would be a major pain to take a screen shot of every tab if it's as vebose/complex as you described (and even harder validating from a screen shot of an old config).

The gui can have niceties like drop downs for enumerated lists or auto-correct for formatting (such as phone numbers).

Comment Re:Cool stuff (Score 4, Interesting) 107

I find it kind of funny that HDR means the opposite thing in photography versus video games (pulled from some old digg post)

Traditionally games render the world and keep it between 0 and 1 (zero being black/completely dark and 1 being white). HDR is computing values above and below and clipping so things that are blown out (like reflections and highlights) are super white. I think it was an update to Half Life 2 that first did this in a commercial game.

In photography, they take multiple exposures and stick them in to an HDR image. Then, they use tone mapping to convert it to an 8-bit visible image. Tone-mapped images are generally called HDR, even though that's a misnomer.

Comment Re:So how about some decent framerate? (Score 4, Interesting) 107

Roger Ebert asked the same thing (on page 4)

I think there's a couple reasons. The first, and probably most significant, is nostalgia by film makers. They love the motion blur of 24fps. It helps evoke the "feeling" of film. Every film student I know either wants to shoot or convert their footage to 24fps. There is a noticeable difference. When you start increasing the resolution and frame rate, you lose motion blur and it starts to look like home video or video games (when generally don't compute motion blur at all).

Another big issue is the amount of light. When you have more frames in a second, each frame has less light to suck up. It's a big issue with high-speed film. Having sensors that are more light-sensitive is a fairly recent thing (combined with advanced noise reduction) and will continuously get better.

The stuttering is something cinematographers keep in mind when shooting (or at least, they should). I read an article about shooting imax and they said the biggest problem was the stuttering. They're also using 24fps, but the screens are much larger. When you pan, the object could jump 2 to 3 feet per frame. They intentionally had slower pans to compensate. You noticing this is probably a side-effect of larger theatrical screen and larger tvs at home.

Comment Re:...huh? (Score 1) 338

I've done work with HFH and I'm pretty sure "almost always" is an exaggeration. But, even if you're right, not all OSS is free labor. Companies like Red Hat pay lots of engineers. In addition, companies like the one I work for have contracts with Red Hat and pay them to implement new features.


iOS Update May Tackle iPhone 4's Antenna Problems 282

DJRumpy was one of several readers to point out rumors that Apple will soon be deploying an update to iOS 4 to combat the iPhone 4 antenna problems we discussed last week. This could be good news for users of the 1.7 million iPhone 4s purchased during the first three days of its release. (And no, Daily Mail, Steve didn't announce a recall, though there's speculation that this problem could be a boon for Android.) An anonymous reader notes an analysis of a teardown of the phone, which found that its parts collectively cost about $188, with the most expensive part — the LCD screen — costing $28.50 by itself. In other Apple news, Germany has demanded that the company "immediately make clear" what data it collects from customers, and what use it makes of that data (perhaps spurred by Google's Wi-Fi sniffing debacle).

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 247

I think those problems are because once you have a successful business model, you then try and diversify without undermining the successful business model. I feel it's a totally different ballgame. Although, this doesn't exactly explain Vista, win mobile, and digital music (but other than to compete with Apple, why would they have pioneered digital music?)

I think entrepreneurs are good at working at what they got, usually with a single strong vision of what they want and usually working well with limited resources.


Submission + - Apple Silencing Rejected Appstore Developers ( 2

MarkvW writes: This should add fuel to the fire. Apple is apparently slapping nondisclosure agreements on developers who get rejected from the Appstore. I got this from Anandtech which got it from DailyTech.
The Almighty Buck

Submission + - Close but no Cigar from Netflix 1

Ponca City, We Love You writes: "In October 2006, Netflix, the online movie rental service, announced that it would award $1 million to the first team to improve the accuracy of Netflix's movie recommendations by 10% based on personal preferences. Each contestant was given a set of data from which three million predictions were made about how certain users rated certain movies and Netflix compared that list with the actual ratings and generated a score for each team. More than 27,000 contestants from 161 countries submitted their entries and some got close, but not close enough. Today Netflix announced that it is awarding an annual progress prize of $50,000 to a group of researchers at AT&T Labs, who improved the current recommendation system by 8.43 percent but the $1 million grand prize is still up for grabs and a $50,000 progress prize will be awarded every year until the 10 percent goal is met. As part of the rules of the competition, the team was required to disclose their solution publicly. (pdf)"
Operating Systems

Submission + - Are .tmp files necessary or just bad programming?

planckscale writes: After spending another hour deleting .tmp files from a bloated XP machine I started to wonder, is the .tmp file necessary when coding an application on the MS platform? Why do so many apps produce .tmp files and is it just because of bad coding or does the use of them dramatically speed up an app? Don't coders use dev/null to reduce them in linux? I can understand the use of them in case an app crashes for recovery purposes, but why don't more apps have the capacity to delete their own .tmp files once they are done with them? Is it too much to ask to at least have the option when closing an app to delete your temp files?

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