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Comment Re: So a company (Score 1) 81

Please explain "might have used"? Who is stopping your customers from using your images? Sounds like your hoping someone gets your images god knows how and then surprise them with opps you are using my Copyright I want $$$$. Am I wrong? I know there are many services that allow you to tag your images and trace them. Getty cant stop you from enforcing your copyright unless you get software that they have a patent on? I don't know I chech it out years ago seems ya can pay for different levels of tracing.

Comment Re:Did I miss an upgrade? (Score 1) 81

Once released, it is in the public domain
100% wrong


Copyright is granted automaticly its not nessary to register but it makes enforcing your copyright much easyer. And FYI copyright last 50 years PAST the death of the author or creator. You don't have to like it or agree but that's the fact. Your claims are 100% incorrect and misleading to those people who do not know the truth.

Comment Re:All this fuss... (Score 2, Insightful) 307

When a so called normal person image is leaked they may never find that out. She's one of a billion women out there who hasn't a clue her nudes are out there. Being famous you find out and find out fast. I don't know of any news story where a women couldn't get her images removed ya need to provide a link for that statement. Ya I herd about the scum who ran the revenge site he broke laws and now is on the run I think. I would tell women look for there nudies on sites like Reddit,4chan,Tumblr,flickr,deviantart. as a starting point. Tumblr has tons of stolen porn and nude selfies as there are zillions of cellphone selfies on tumblr

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

I disagree for the simple fact it that people are being misled into thinking there personal property is safe on their services. And that still isn't a reason allowing victim blaming. Your making an excuses to allow yourself face to blame the victims. I could state 10 reasons why Apple should take all the blame and be right about it but im not going to. I don't need to save face I don't blame victims. Cowards blame victims.

Comment Re:Bah humbug censorship (Score 1) 307

Another one of the legions of coward victim blamers. psssttt having there image stolen was not there fault at all. It was 100% the fault of the scum coward who used the bug apple should have never had to fix in the first place. Its the fault of the web site who published the exploit allowing the scum coward an easy way to brute force someones account. Its the fault of server providers for not educating its customers that the service is not secure and that storing anything private should be though about hardly before uploading. Put fault where it belongs not where its the easy thing to do.

Comment Re:why all the hate? (Score 1) 97

I don't hate them. I will not support them, why should I? to make the stockbuyer happy??lol nope. To send my money to another country to save a few bucks nope. I will not buy anything from them as I would prefer my US money stay in the US as mush as I possibly can. so I wont be switching to alibaba ever. And im betting a few million Americans think the same way I do.

Comment Re:Gamers are the Victims Here (Score 1) 1134

Gamers are the victims here but not as you claim. a very very vocal group DO make online gaming hell for women,jew,black,asian,mom,GFs,gays many Battlefield 4 server renters have created programs that auto ban for the for mentioned. so ya Gamers are victims too from the legions of racists/women haters in online multiplayer games. People like you are just in denial or are one of the legions of offenders.

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