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Comment Re:And that's half the story (Score 1) 178

But the thing is there's enough evidence that the plane remained flying to discount a sudden catastrophic failure; Military radar picked it up making several precise waypoint manoeuvres well away from it's planned flight path and the satellite comms gear kept responding for 7+ hours after the plane went missing.

Comment Re:And that's half the story (Score 2) 178

I could imagine some electrical problems from a large number of cells catching fire or 'gassing' the whole airplane within seconds.

But of course that would either quickly cause the aircraft to crash, or to just stick to its original autopilot headings if only the crew were incapacitated. Military radar caught it making precise manoeuvres around several waypoints well away from it's original flight plan...

Comment Re:And that's half the story (Score 3, Informative) 178

The standard procedure, as far as I know (not being an expert), is upon noticing the fire, the pilots would have shut down all the circuits on the plane in order to find out if one was responsible for the fire.

They don't turn off all circuits, only non-essential ones. For example as in this crash caused by an in-flight fire the standard procedure is to switch off power to the cabin but not the cockpit, as without power to the cockpit you'll barely be able to fly. The radio was also kept on at all times as you're less likely to be able to make a successful emergency landing without being able to talk to ATC to make sure the runway is clear and prepared.

Comment Re:ExFAT (Score 1) 229

Logically it's a bit of a grey area though, because while cameras have tightly integrated hardware and firmware laptops almost entirely have general purpose, easily replaceable OSs and peripherals like card readers are internally attached via general buses like USB so are more like standalone card readers.

If putting an SDXC logo on a laptop depended on having a specific OS installed, not just SDXC hardware, then selling that laptop without an OS installed or with a different OS would need a different production line for a different case without the SDXC logo.

Comment Re:ExFAT (Score 2) 229

But in order to carry the SDXC logo, the device must be capable of reading and writing the patented file system.

That makes sense for self-contained devices like cameras, but for card readers (especially add-on readers) there must be an exception because the reader itself can't read ExFAT (or any other filesystem for that matter), it's the host OS that does.

Comment Apart from all the other languages (Score 1) 245

But then some clever kid discovered he could get JavaScript running on the server. Suddenly, there was no need to use PHP to build the next generation of server stacks.

What is this blogspam shit doing here? There's no "need" to use either of them, there have been loads of alternatives to PHP for years and there are still plenty of alternatives for both. The individual points make no sense either, it's like they've just quickly Googled for "PHP advantages" and "Node.JS advantages", bullet-pointed them on a page and stuffed the rest full of ad links.

Comment It only destroys jobs if you don't share profits (Score 1) 688

Here's the thing, there's no less money because of AI, if AIs are willing to work for "free" then instead of putting people out of jobs everyone could still be paid the same amount as before for, and just work less hours.

The reason wages are stagnant is because instead of sharing the profits of technology with everyone all that money has gone straight to the top instead.

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