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Comment Re:BS (Score 3, Insightful) 88

The problem is:
Trading forums deliberately suppressing information on actual prices and alternatives.
Package resellers on Amazon & Ebay charging large markups because the buyers don't know the mechanics.
Star Citizen MODERATORS in charge of enforcing the trading bans on the official forum directing users to their own trading service.

In short, the problem is information asymmetry, which this article attempts to address.

Submission + - Star Citizen's Crowdfunding Driven Grey Market (

szyzyg writes: Star Citizen has broken all the crowdfunding records, raising almost 25million dollars in the last year to fund Chris Roberts' promise of the ultimate spaceship game. However an investigation by journalists sheds light on a murky secondary market where items are being resold by investors for profit, all for an game that won't be fully released for 2 years. The standard crowdfunding tactic of rewarding early backers has created a tiered system with ample room for profiteering, profits which many not be shared with the developers. Few thing would please me more than Star Citizen succeeding, but backers should read this article before being tempted to trade up their internet spaceships through a third party.

Submission + - Kerbal Space Program Played By Real Astronauts and Space Scientists

An anonymous reader writes: Kerbal Space Program is the indie sandbox game that lets you build rockets that are simulated using a physics engine, it's popularity has spread beyond gaming into space industry professionals. Former Astronaut Ed Lu, who's day job includes 'saving the world from killer asteroids' sat down with Scott Manley to see if his experience would help him. And it turns out that there are employees at JPL who are quite obsessed with the game.

Comment Loved My Nexus - Shame The Screen Breaks So Easily (Score 1) 58

It's a great tablet, but, the screen cracked when I pushed the power button and rendered the touchscreen inoperative, currently ASUS is telling me that any screen damage resulting from use is not covered under warranty.

Here's a video of the damage:

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