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Comment Oh, I see what you did there. (Score -1, Offtopic) 144

I hi hi hi hi hi hi, dig a pony
Well you can celebrate anything you want
Yes, you can celebrate anything you want

I hi hi hi hi hi hi, do a roadhog
Well you can penetrate any place you go
Yes, you can penetrate any place you go

I told you so
All I want is you
Everything has got to be
just like you want it to

I hi hi hi hi hi hi, pick a moondog
Well you can radiate everything you are
Yes, you can radiate everything you are

I hi hi hi hi hi hi, roll a stoney
Well you can imitate everyone you know
Yes, you can imitate everyone you know

I told you so
All I want is you
Everything has got to be
just like you want it to

I hi hi hi hi hi hi, feel the wind blow
Well you can indicate everything you see
Yes, you can indicate everything you see

I hi hi hi hi hi hi, cold and lonely
Well you can syndicate any boat you row
Yes, you can syndicate any boat you row

I told you so
All I want is you
Everything has got to be
just like you want it to
Linux Business

Journal Journal: Help the Wikipedia

I am a contributor to the Wikipedia. The Wikipedia is a project to contruct a free encylopeida in every language. With over 430000 articles in the English version, your subject of interest is bound to be in there. Anyone can take part, just find an article you like, then click edit this page to start editing the article!

Comment Re:Python is a pathetic language. (Score 1) 359

Perl reads like that as well:
print "Hello World\n";
$answer = read_string("What is the answer?");

sub read_string($)
$prompt = shift; # could also be ($prompt) = @_
print "$prompt\n";
chomp($answer) = <STDIN>;
return $answer;
What's so unreadable about that? Once you get used to the idiom of "shift in a sub gives you the next argument" you'll be set for life.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Leech Access

where is my snare? i have no snare in my headphones

oh there is my snare in my audio warez folder hohohoho leech axss, leech axss, leech, leech axss free BSD is da shit to me linux - stick it up in you ass, you get me you came to fuck with me in the i.r.c. that i didnt gave you access to my ftp

we will do with a fucking +v in the nick you might as well be sucking my motherfucking dick motd says that you are lame so prevent the pain and get a daisy chain

Comment Re:Sophistry (Score 1) 606

Sure we question and analyze reality, we just believe in a different reality to you.

Your idea of reality is one that someone else has defined for you and demands that you accept at face value. Thats harldly a reality.

How else can you take the term 'raised from the dead'? He died and then he lived. He was dead and then he was raised back into life. He was pronounced dead (after slipping into a comma) but sat straight up and asked to go home 20 minutes later.

I'm not a doctor, but I've heard of many numerous incidents of people being declared dead and then coming back.

And as for 74 days without food and water being hardly abnormal? It's widely recognised that any more than about a week without water or seven weeks without food (dependent on fat stores) will cause death. This guy went 10 and a half weeks without both (and was daily beaten too).

Apparently what I said about historical examples went over your head. I don't quite know where your source for that "widely recognised" "fact" comes from.

Unfortunately some people choose to harden their hearts despite occurances that clearly defy long helf scientific and natural laws to prevent uncomfortableness.

I use my head and not my heart. None of your examples debunk science. Anything that cannot be explained with current knowledge doesn't mean its a religious occurance.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Your "base64-encoded" sigs are stupid 7

They make me puke.

Your "puts base64_decode(blablabla)" shit is not cute.

Repeat after me: "I suck one cock for each person who has actually decoded my sig"

It's obnoxious. If you want people to read your sig then fucking decode it yourself, and put THAT in your sig. Why bother encoding your signature? the fuck what? It's supposed to be an easy and simple way to weed the dumbasses from the people worth reading.

User Journal

Journal Journal: People have such delicate egos

I really pissed off someone today. In the article "Building Social Skills in Gifted Youths?" I replied to a person who listed getting "perfect ACT scores" in the 5th grade as an accomplishment.

Is this a valid accomplishment? Sure! How many other 5th graders do you know who have done this? Not many, I'm sure.

Journal Journal: Introducing the NEW era in trolls! 4

Today, On Friday the 20th of Febuary 2004, four notrious trolls have binded together to bring a new era of trolling! The Death of will be avenged upon by the trolls! The Trolls, Mookore 2004, Anonymous Coword, Rapevictim and 1337 Apple Zealot have bound together into one. The Neo Trolling Group! We will troll you so hard you won't know what Hit you! If you wish to be a member of Neo Trolling Group, simply add Neo Troll


Journal Journal: Set the Internet on FIRE, with Firefox!

If you havent already, get the new Mozilla Firefox web browser. There are many reasons why.
  • Its fast
  • Its small (only 6.2Mb download)
  • Its user freindly as well as power user freindly
  • No annoying pop ups
  • Tabbed browsing
  • Avalible for Mac X, Windows and Linux

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Many people write memos to tell you they have nothing to say.
