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Journal i_am_pi's Journal: Your "base64-encoded" sigs are stupid 7

They make me puke.

Your "puts base64_decode(blablabla)" shit is not cute.

Repeat after me: "I suck one cock for each person who has actually decoded my sig"

It's obnoxious. If you want people to read your sig then fucking decode it yourself, and put THAT in your sig. Why bother encoding your signature? the fuck what? It's supposed to be an easy and simple way to weed the dumbasses from the people worth reading.

Well, in a way, "encoding" your sig -is- a way to perform the above weeding, because you're a dumbass if you have a sig like that.

Props to GNAA.

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Your "base64-encoded" sigs are stupid

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  • To my knowledge there are only two people doing this. Me anf a friend of mine.

    You must read a lot of our comments. :)

If it has syntax, it isn't user friendly.
