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Comment special status means more work, not less (Score 0, Redundant) 73

special status just means that people will file extra co-patents, so their existing patents can get special examiner status.
It might cost a little bit more, but to some companies, that will probably be peanuts, compared to the value of "special examiner"-status.

of course, more patent claims = more money for them, and since they can discard the co-pending patent, it means more money for a tiny bit of work.

Comment Re:It does not go too far (Score 1) 584

I take it that gp has had plenty of bad days and been on the wrong side of the law often enough.
Gp was just never caught doing so and thus believes that he or she never did anything "bad".

But i guess as someone trying to learn about usability analysis and the like, there's a lot to learn when it comes to drivers (of cars, bikes,trains, boats, airplanes, etc.)


Apple Seeks Patent On Operating System Advertising 342

patentpundit writes "On April 18, 2008, Apple Computer applied for a patent relating to an 'invention' that allows for showing advertisements within an operating system. The first named inventor on the patent application is none other than Steve Jobs. The patent application published and became available for public inspection on October 22, 2009. If implemented, the invention would make it possible for advertisements to be displayed on a variety of devices, including desktop computers, cell phones, PDAs, and more. In one alarming aspect, the device could be disabled while the advertisements run, thereby forcing users to let the advertisement run its course before the system would unlock and allow further use. In an even more invasive scenario, explained in the patent application, the user could be required to do something, such as click to continue, in order to verify that they are actively watching the advertisement and haven't simply walked away while the ad runs. Whether Apple would implement such an invention is unknown, but it is possible that they think there are others out there who might want to implement such invasive advertising. It is possible Apple wanted to get ahead of the curve and file this patent so that if any company is silly enough to engage in Big Brother advertising, then Apple will get a royalty. I sure hope this is not the future of advertising."

Comment Re:So... (Score 0, Troll) 169

create work A.
get annoying little brother to send A to company X (but bully him a bit, so he'll never admit that he did it, or you forced him)
Go to court over X illegally holding A.

the work A could be a simple poem, that your brother posts on their tech support site or forums, where it's available to anyone.
At least in Denmark, where i get a note saying "STOP the police are not logging this (yeah right)" even read any of the pirate bay subdomains (*.thepiratebay.org).

Comment Re:Bloat. (Score 2, Informative) 73

When i read the summary, that's what i thought.

And to some extent, i think you might still be right.
What they've done isn't to build in Conficker detection and the like, but to enable scripting so you can extent nmap.
being able to write nmap scripts is nice, on the other hand, on the other hand, several other tools allow for scripting nmap, so i don't see the point in going the other way around it.

Comment Re:A good combination of a storyline and graphics. (Score 4, Insightful) 506

Graphics can be great for immersion.

I've never really felt that nethack was fun, because it was ME running around in dungeons.
Nethack is fun because it speaks to logic and bad puns (i like bad puns. I like bad punch too, if it's spiked).

when first played games such as quake or bioshock, good graphic and soundscape helped me feel in danger of whatever was around the next corner.
I like a good shock once in a while, the sudden appearence of a darg grey 'D' or '&' just doesn't hit my nerves.

This might also mean that it's most im

Comment Re:Here's a thought... (Score 4, Interesting) 856

It's wonderful to live in Copenhagen, one third of all personal transportation is on bicycle, a little less is public transportation (metro, trains and buses).

Motorists in this town actually feel that they have to fight to be allowed to stay in the city. Honestly, the city is doing what it can to ban gasoline vehicles from the inner city. Even though bicycles are slower, there's still a lot more room for these than for cars, and bicycles pollute less too.
So dear car-driver, get out off my town.

oh and to stay on topic. The real solution isn't to paint imaginary lanes, but to establish real bicycle lanes!

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