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Comment Outlook Horror Story (Score 1) 434

I was working on a helpdesk team, and we had a user with her outlook pst file getting full...
she wasn't on desk so we just did the most natural thing: delete recycle bin, problem solved. right?
apparently her brilliant organizational system revolved around: shit i need - press delete - like gmail's archive only with the delete key.
well, good for you - next time - either learn to clean your own shit or make a system that makes sense to others who try to help.

Comment i think it's a good idea (Score 5, Interesting) 124

pilots get shot down and forced to eject over hostile territories, it's a very good idea to provide them with plausible fake identities which include a rich plausible background.
this can save lives and help our solders buy enough time to get rescued.
also, if a spook wants to contact, let's say, the nsa or the cia from a hostile territory, i doubt he'll go over the phone.
plus in many places encryption is a sign of wrongdoing, so using facebook and even slashdot commentary might be a good way to communicate home.
dear mods, next time you see a troll, it's just might be a coded message from a secret agent.

Comment Re:Sadly... (Score 1) 475

well maybe now that all of qt's goals are down the crapper, they'll have time to fix my year old semi-important bugs
it's amazing a 10 line patch is still excluded from the source.
all i want is for an sslserver (sslsocket in server mode) to be able to include intermediate certificates.
please trolls, now that you don't need to do useless crap for symbian and meego, at least find some time to help out the stranded desktop users.

btw there's an interesting comment on
"Tom Turbo> What about Qt? Does Intel support it for its MeeGo plans?"
"gunjan-rawal (intel)> @ Tom Turbo Intel remains committed to MeeGo development. Re: Qt: Stay tuned for more details."

Comment Re:got spyware? (Score 1) 761

Law Enforcement in general are not just incredibly great marksmen. Statistically, an armed citizen is far more likely to hit the target and stop the threat.

Don't take that to mean the GP isn't a moron for his post, however. I'm just pointing out that a badge doesn't make you a good shot.

The annual death rate among people who know the statistic is one in six.

Comment Re:Not to side with Microsoft, but... (Score 1) 246

you should really check this article out:
microsoft launched a personal attack on a researcher who disclosed the bug after microsoft failed to agree to fix it within 60 days. now, i'm sure they'll fix it in under a month.
there are a LOT of CRITICAL bugs unpatched in the os and microsoft takes their sweet time (8 month to 8 years) to fix them. this is not cool since if one researcher managed to find it it's presumable hackers managed to get their hands on it too.
so microsoft is only helping hackers, and full disclosure is really protecting against them.

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