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Comment Re:Wave power can work (Score 1) 198

Slave trade exists only where people are considered property. We (the western world) are existing in a "slave" market, where the owners take from the sweat of supposedly "free" people (in the form of "Feudal taxes") not by consent, but by threat of government guns. We've only traded one type of owner for another. The only difference is we supposedly elect our kings and queens, rather than have them born into royalty.

We aren't free.

Comment Re:Grim (Score 1) 221

1495 Quarantining of Mercenaries in Switzerland.

While not 100% effective immediately, it did drastically reduced the infection rate. WHICH is really the goal.

Now, if your one of those "100% or don't bother trying" people, you're part of the problem.

But then again, allowing infected people to migrate all around the world seems so much better option. I mean, how else are we going to reduce population by 7 billion people to "sustainable" levels like the Georgia Guidestones suggest?

Comment Re:Keyboard (Score 4, Insightful) 216

Tapping a keyboard three times to type special character. No Swype. Caps always showing, regardless of actual capitalization. All but Unusable with one hand (one handed typing jokes aside). Auto Correct that guesses wrong more often than it should. The interface is not as intuitive as Apple or iOS users claim it is, IMHO.

Comment Re:they will defeat themselves (Score 4, Insightful) 981

You underestimate the power of radical ideologies. While what they appear to be doing is self defeating, it really isn't. It draws in those people who need an identity. People said similar things about Nazi's (yeah I just Godwined the conversation). The one thing Nazi's had, that ISIS doesn't is government. But in today's age, being nebulous, decentralized is an asset, like Hydra (cut off one head two more takes its place). We killed off OBL, but he wasn't really running things when we did, and Taliban and Al Qaeda still remain. And even if they didn't, the people in those organizations just change their name, and regroup. This is the same tactic used by most counter culture politics.

The only effective tactic we have at this time is to target and kill the leadership, until the organization crumbles from lack of leaders. We don't need a standing army to do this, just Letters of Marque.

Comment Re:Misleading slashdot headline (Score 4, Insightful) 385

Practical is how we work. Monolithic or Micro based are independent of whether or not something is practical. What is practical in one situation (small robust control system with high availability) may not be practical (complex system of varying hardware) elsewhere.It is a matter of how close to sigma six you need to be, because each degree closer, is a magnitude more difficult to reach.

The fact is, you can talk all you want about what is "practical" in a specific case, and I may be arguing that your "practical" isn't practical for me and my specific case. We'd both be right, but not for each other. This is pragmatism at its core. One size doesn't fit all. Never has, never will.But you can build things so that One Size Fits Most, that works in 95% of the cases.

Systems that are outliers shouldn't be where we decide things for the 95%.

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