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Comment Re:One of the worst points about systemd (Score 1) 522

Seriously, what do people want? That nothing must be using Linux specific kernel features ever, because that is unfair to other OS's?

When I use gimp, pidgin, geany etc on a Windows desktop, it's because they consistently work well with a thin Gtk+ shim over Win32. That's without installing a Linux compatibility layer like cygwin.

If in future one has to install some cygwin-systemd abomination just to run Gimp, then free software will have lost a fan.

Comment Re:The terrorist won. (Score 2) 217

When it comes it airport security, pretty much.

There's $AU630M in extra funding to security agencies, some of which will be spent on the latest high-tech toys at airports. Australia doesn't currently do finger-printing or eye scanning but expect that to be standard for any flights bound for the USA.

Obama, or rather his 3-letter agencies, will be keen to insure "terrorists" never get on a flight to US airspace, which involves sympathetic nations rolling out new protocols and technologies in each departure terminal.

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