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Comment Re:Why the search? (Score 1) 233

Well in the case of the govt. of Australia, where this cynical newspaper article originated, it's a massive PR exercise.

"See, our defence force do good, noble, things in their spare time", when they're not implementing the government's polarising 'stop the boats' agenda.

Do they have a clue if and where the plane sank? Hardly...

Comment Re:Awesome? RT? (Score 1) 217

It'd be nice if MS would officially support loading standard win32 applications, compiled for ARM, without jailbreaking though.

Now obviously they want to avoid a situation where a consumer tries to install a shrink-wrapped x86 program that won't run on a different architecture - but there are other means. e.g. distributing platform specific binaries through the Windows store.

Comment Re:Yes - instructions on minnowboard's website (Score 1) 92

A smart move by Intel. They need to grow the mindshare of hackers - much like the beagleboard made OMAP a popular choice for people hacking on smartphones.

For the poweruser an Intel smartphone can then multi-boot Windows 7/Ubuntu/Firefox OS/Android according to their whim.

i.e. develop a community with Android & FFOS mature on a single board computer and the results will flow to x86 phones and tablets. With Intel favouring Intel HD over PowerVR solutions, mature FOSS drivers are an advantage over the vendor blobs of Mali/Adreno/Tegra.

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A large number of installed systems work by fiat. That is, they work by being declared to work. -- Anatol Holt
