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Submission + - Hansen argues for meter scale sea level rise (newscientist.com)

mdsolar writes: "NASA climatologist James Hansen has published a paper on Scientific reticence and sea level rise attempting to explain why reports such as the IPCC 4th Assesment tend to lowball climate change consequences. Now he has a writeup in New Scientist which summarizes the paper giving his reasons for thinking that a 5 meter sea level rise by the end of this century could easily happen. Pictures of the effects of such a rise are included. Hansen:

So why do I think a sea level rise of metres would be a near certainty if greenhouse gas emissions keep increasing? Because while the growth of great ice sheets takes millennia, the disintegration of ice sheets is a wet process that can proceed rapidly.


Submission + - iTunes Account Required for iPhone Users (bloomberg.com)

boxer2600 writes: According to an email sent by Apple to consumers interested in the iPhone, the iPhone will require the user to have an iTunes account. What does this mean for users of "alternative OSes" (i.e. Linux)? To what extent is iTunes needed to "set up" the iPhone?

Submission + - Microsoft wants both HD-DVD and Blu-ray to go away

An anonymous reader writes: At the Digital Hollywood conference, Richard Doherty of Microsoft stated that Redmond wants both HD DVD and Blu-ray to go away, saying "I don't know that [HD] will be delivered on an optical disc in five to 10 years. At Microsoft, we'd rather it wasn't [on a disc]." Does this mean that Microsoft's backing of the underdog HD DVD format is intended to delay HD DVD and Blu-ray from gaining traction to create a market for Windows Media Player/DRM? Microsoft's leading role in AACS also didn't help either format — the highly-publicized security collapse of AACS has been a massive embarassment for both HD DVD and Blu-ray.
Operating Systems

Submission + - Inside ReactOS

holden writes: "NewsForge has an article on a recent talk given by Alex Ionescu (a lead ReactOS developer). He talks about the recent progress made with ReactOS, but he spends the majority of his talking about the technical details of the ReactOS kernel architecture. He also talks about some of the unique problems faced by trying to build a binary compatible kernel, looking at some of the difficulties with how some vendors such as nvidia optimize there drivers and how ReactOS presently handles them, as well as how they plan to in the future. His complete talk is available online in a number of different formats."

Submission + - Mars Express gauges water around south pole

thhamm writes: Using it's radar instrument, ESA's Mars Express Probe gauged the water quantity around the martian south pole: 'The amount of water trapped in frozen layers over Mars' south polar region is equivalent to a liquid layer about 11 metres deep covering the planet. This new estimate comes from mapping the thickness of the dusty ice by the Mars Express radar instrument that has made more than 300 virtual slices through layered deposits covering the pole.'

Submission + - Defeater of Vista DRM Speaks

An anonymous reader writes: Recently, news broke that Vista's DRM dubbed Protected Media Pathway had been defeated. Now Alex Ionescu, who discovered the flaw in PMP has been interviewed with the P2P news site Slyck.com.

Submission + - Intel claims low leakage process

Aryabhata writes: "As per the New York Times, Intel has overcome a potentially crippling technical obstacle of transistor switches;their tendency to leak current as they grow smaller. As a transistor's tiny switches are made ever smaller they tendency to leak current as the insulating material gets thinner. The Intel advance uses new metallic alloys in the insulation itself and in adjacent components. Their combination of processing power and energy efficiency could make it possible, for example, for cellphones to play video at length — a demanding digital task — with less battery drain."

Submission + - Microsoft wanted to "whack" Dell

pboyd2004 writes: According to emails obtained in Iowa's antitrust case against Microsoft. Microsoft wanted to "whack" Dell over their Linux sales. "We should whack them, we should make sure they understand our value," wrote Paul Flessner, a senior vice president in Microsoft's server applications unit. The email exchange can be found here.
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Aussie surfie sells his life on eBay

An anonymous reader writes: An Australian surfie is selling his life on ebay, according to this report. The package includes introductions to friends and potential lovers, and also includes two enemies. Four weeks of training will be provided, which will cover such areas like "style of seduction" and fashion.

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