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Comment Re:I get it.. but I won't get it (Score 1) 304

I guess i'm missing the money to purchase something that I can do without! ;-)

Kidding, right? I have three 22" 1680x1050 monitors, only $50 each on craigslist. That's 5040x1050 compared to 1920x1200. Games in eyefinity are beautiful when the screens wrap around you and all you see from the corners of your eye is more of the video game. Looking at one flat screen is annoying now, it's like I'm missing the rest of the game. I don't know why the new consoles don't have two more video outputs for two more screens.

three 30" though.... I don't know if I would want all that, I would have to turn my head to look from one side to the other, I would be exhausted from constantly looking around LOL. 22 to 24" is about the limit with three screens on a desktop if you don't want to have to turn your head to look from one corner to the other unless you're placing the screens several feet away.

Comment Re:Is this an ad ? (Score 2) 304

Agreed. Needs to be at least 6 foot wide, same as three decent sized LCDs, and should be a reasonable resolution, 5760x1080 which is what three HD monitors would be. Then I would be interested, but 3440 isn't even 2x1920, so you're actually losing horizontal real estate compared to 2 cheap HD monitors.

Why buy this 34" at $1,500 when it has less space than two $200 $26" LCDs? I would have 52" total, 3840x1080 resolution and spend $400 instead of $1,500.

Comment Re:Pre Macrovision with 4+ heads (Score 2) 201

Not always. Heads are used for many things. The first 4 head units were done for better pause action not for better EP mode.

Was this right after "Basic Instinct" came out on VHS? ;-)

If you want porn, watch porn. What the point on pausing a movie to hopefully see some cunt's crotch.

Because you're 13 and internet didn't exist yet, pausing a movie was the best you got.

Comment Overpriced gimmick (Score 1) 217

This maul (not an axe) actually looks more prone to glancing off and causing an injury, just look at the head bounce and twist on impact. I've split countless cords of wood a $40 13lb steel maul that is still working just fine after 25 years. This is a gimmick IMHO.

Comment Price fixing (Score 1) 256

Am I then only one that sees that price gouging is going on with SSDs?

I bought my Corsiar 115gb SSD for $69.99 in July of 2012. That's almost 2 years ago. Today a generic 120gb SSD costs $69.99 from newegg. 5 more gb, same price 2 years later. If I want a Corsiar SSD again, a 120gb one costs $109, $40 *more* than what I paid 2 years ago!

More manufactures make SSDs now and more devices use SSD now, but you're going to tell me years later the prices haven't dropped?

Come on, give me a break, obvious price fixing is going on with SSD prices, I can't be the only one that sees this, when the was last time that prices on computer hardware went up years later? Never? This is just like the one billion dollar LCD price fixing scheme a few years ago, I'm sure this will be in the news a few years from now.

Comment Re:I'm not going to stand for this (Score 3, Insightful) 312

Not with my knees.

You're right. I'm guessing these office workers have never been waitresses or had a job requiring 8 hours of standing because if they had they would appreciate being able to sit instead of standing. Standing prolonged hours causes varicose veins and can cause knee and joint pain. Sitting just causes a fat butt. Solution is to get up and walk around every so often. Most of these office workers have regular scheduled breaks, they need to use their breaks to get up and be active.

Comment Re:Weak? No, it is not. (Score 1) 312

A person can buy a Maserati, but i said person doesn't change the oil and let water and particulate go into the gas tank, the car will turn into garbage. The car wasn't garbage. The owner was a careless fool at best (and a f*tard at worst.)

clearly you have never owned a Maserati if you think they are not garbage.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

At the time there were limited arms (you took about 2 minutes to reload) vs able to empty a couple clips in that same amount of time, now.

Further, rifle, cannon and naval mines were about all there were. The most literal interpretation of that 2nd amendment means I could possess nuclear weapons, bacterial weapons, chemical weapons, and were I wealthy enough, my own tanks, APCs, fighter jets, bombers, etc. In short, the 2nd amendment favors the rich because they can arm themselves to the hilt, should they wish. Not very equal, is it?

Do you think weapons were free back then? Yes, if you have more money you can buy more weapons, just like back then, I'm sure the rich could buy a dozen rifles and load them all and then not have to reload, just grab another rifle and fire. Nothing has changed, but this is not the 2nd amendment's fault anymore then it's the 1st amendment's fault that the wealthy can afford TV commercials to get their free speech message across and the poor can not.

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

When the constitution was ratified, the militia was the only defense that the United States had, and all able bodied men were expected to be ready to serve.

Now, whether the militia is the intent of the second amendment is a question that we have been asking for a long time now. The wording of the second amendment is not particularly clear on that.

And yes, I know that this opinion is not popular on a site as conservative as slashdot. That is why we see this as a front page story bashing the person proposing the re-examination of the second amendment.

We are "bashing" because someone wants to change the rights of the people. The Constitution is a list of rights for all the people, not certain groups, they did not mean "only a small group of people should have guns, the rest of you should not", because that gives too much power to the government which is exactly what this country was fighting at the time when the Constitution was written, another government that had too much power and did not give a voice to the people.

Comment Re:Dumb move... (Score 1) 107

this is the best possible move for the platform. customers win when they can play great games that they feel are a reasonable price. OUYA is giving devs freedom to experiment with different ways to pay. the best games and ways to pay will float to the top. As somebody who invested a couple hundred $$ into onlive, I'm a big fan of online gaming.

Maybe, but OUYA still received $8 million in funding with the promise that "ALL GAMES FREE TO PLAY". The fact that they're going back on their promise now makes every kickstarter campaign look bad.

Whether the games are free or not is the not the reason OUYA is failing, the reasons are obvious: it doesn't play regular android games (game must be OUYA compatiable), poor controller, it's slower than modern smartphones and tablets, and when you can just plug your tablet or smartphone into your TV why buy a OUYA at all?

Comment Re:It's not arrogant, it's correct. (Score 1) 466

And yet, AT&T wants more money because they think they have the right to charge Netflix more to pass through their tollbooth.

- it's not their 'tollbooth', it's their road. On a road you can charge different rates for different types of vehicles, this is the same situation. An eighteen wheeler can cause more damage to the road that requires more maintenance than a motorcycle, this is the same thing: a movie that needs to be streamed a million times takes up much more capacity and energy and basically uses the system much more than millions of small individual requests do.

See, I even used an appropriate car analogy.

Ok, but if you charge the 18 wheeler more, how long before you decide to charge the pickup truck more? or sedan? or maybe make a special license so only 18 wheelers with your license can use the road and no one else? How long before they go after Youtube? Or Amazon Video? Or Facebook? Or Google? Or XBox Live? Anyone can make an argument that some service or website is "using more than others so you should pay more" but we're already paying for the service, we pay for the internet, what we decide to do with it is our business, whether we have unlimited or a 5gb cap or metered, if we want to use all of it for netflix instead of youtube why does that matter? Customers of these ISPs are paying for the net-neutrality already, they don't need to charge more. There will always be some website or service or something that uses a bit more than everyone else. If they start charging Netflix then they'll need to start charging Youtube, and then etc, before long they're charging every website or service that uses the internet that we're already paying for.

No other utility functions like this. The electric company doesn't say "oh you're using electricity for a air conditioner? We charge extra for air conditioners". No, they say "here is your electricity, use it as you see fit, whether it's a A/C or a dozen bitcoin servers or an electric car, we don't care how it's used, you are paying for that electricity." Internet should work the same way, they should charge us whatever they want to charge us and let us use the internet anyway we want, whether it's netflix or youtube or amazon prime.

Comment Re: Battery life? (Score 1) 217

Lol I wish smartphones lasted 15-20 hours with normal use, or maybe it does if I don't use it for 15 hours? I'm sorry but I bought this thing to actually use it. When it can play a game and run gps software for 20 hours straight then I will be happy, until then the batteries suck. Maybe that's why nokia brick phones lasted so long, no gps or clash of clans to suck the battery dry in a few hours.

Comment Re: Did Fluke request this? (Score 1) 653

After reading the article I do not agree with spark fun. Seems they knew exactly what they were doing, copying the exact look of a fluke dmm and selling it, and when they got caught they cried foul. Seriously spark fun man up and make them a different color, or did you copy fluke because you knew it would sell more dmm? I have two dmm and they're both red because the color doesn't matter unless you're trying to copy someone's trademark.

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