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Comment Re:It is time to get up one way or the other (Score 3, Informative) 1089

> In the US you can always write in a candidate of your choosing. Now, some people like to protest vote for Mickey Mouse, or various other inanimate objects. However if you were to vote for someone who was eligible to run who was not on the ballot, and they pulled in more votes than anyone else, they would be the winner.

YMMV. In many jurisdictions (if not most) there is a list of pre-qualified write in candidates. I shit you not. Google "qualified write-in list" (with the quotes) for a bunch of examples. Sure, you can write in anyone you want, but if they are not on the list, it will not get counted.

Here is one example, from San Francisco: (

For voters who wish to cast their vote for candidates other than the ones printed on the ballot in San Francisco-- they need to know that they are still limited to a few official write-in candidate names if their vote is to be counted.

Comment Re:Your justice system is flawed, too. (Score 2, Interesting) 1081

> you agree to by being born into a society, that by doing so, you agree to abide by that societies rules.

I have no doubt you actually believe that horseshit. That statement makes some of the more hilarious proclaimations Christians are so fond of saying seem rational and reasonable in comparison.

Comment Re:TFS just has marketing (Score 2, Interesting) 71

Yeah I'd like some more meat to the story as well. Amazon Glacier achieves its pricing by using low-RPM consumer drives plugged into some sort of high-density backplanes; supposedly they are so densely packed that you can only spin up a few drives at once due to power and heat issues. Hence the delay.

I assume Google is doing something similar, maybe with somewhat better power or cooling since they're offering faster retrieval times which implies that perhaps they can spin up a higher percentage of drives at a time.

Submission + - NSA linked to hard drive firmware hacking across 12 major manufacturers (

An anonymous reader writes: Russian security researchers have published a report [] detailing the insertion of data-stealing software into the firmware of hard drives from over a dozen major manufacturers. The report, from Kaspersky Labs, connects the organisation behind it — which it has dubbed 'The equation Group' — with the National Security Agency, due to common variants in the hard drive malware and Stuxnet, the NSA-driven cyberattack initiative which was used to attack a uranium refinement facility in Iran. The 'Fanny worm' propagated by the firmware hack is used to breach air-gapped networks via infected USB sticks, relaying retrieved information back to command-and-control centers. Reuters claims to have had the allegations confirmed by two ex-NSA employees.

Comment WTF, Slashdot (Score -1) 141

AP Headline: "Cuban youth build secret computer network despite Wi-Fi ban "

Slashdot: "Young Cubans Set Up Mini-Internet".

"Mini-Internet" huh, Slashdot. My how far this site has degraded, when the mass media's headline are more accurate and less pandering.

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