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Comment Re:Summary is misleading (Score 1) 336

Except in this case, they aren't giving you a CD-R to replace the one they damaged. They're giving you an unwritable CD, that only costs $0.12

The issue is that the replacement system is of *lesser* spec than some of the models that were replaced. We're not even talking equivalent models that have since been upgraded. In my case, I lose 2GB RAM, 1 entire core, and the quality/(comparative real-world) speed of the CPU is lower.

Comment Re:Digium says: Protocol, not program (Score 1) 141

I'm not familiar with how Switchvox determines the strength of a password, however...

It should strike everybody here as obvious that '1234' on an account '1234' would be a poor password. I could say with some confidence that 'apple' would be universally considered to be a poor password, just based on it being a common dictionary word.

Unfortunately, there are many people who don't share this understanding. It most certainly isn't unique to VoIP.

Comment Re:Isn't Open Source always "off the clock"? (Score 3, Insightful) 582

I think you're missing a key difference. I can stop working on my pet project at any time I want (just like I can choose to stop flying RC planes if I want). If I choose to spend 80 hours a week writing software I enjoy doing for free - great. But if an employer is going to dictate how I'm going to spend my "free time", they're going to pay me for it.

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