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Comment Re:Might change the choice of platforms (Score 1) 545

Insane, yes, but this was the type of corporate environment where, as a VP, head-count was a status symbol and meant you could command a bigger budget. Of course, this was also an environment that took lessons from the Fairchild Semiconductor school of rank-has-it's-privileges which often meant that higher rank garnered you better furniture and a better computer. Stupid. I once got yelled at by a petty office manager for swapping a product manager's computer with one of that manager's graphic artists at his request so the artist could do their work.

Comment Might change the choice of platforms (Score 1) 545

From my own experience in a mixed Windows PC/Macintosh corporate environment, the computer-to-IT staff ratio for PCs was 10:1, meaning that one IT person could handle maintaining 10 PC users. On the Mac side of things, the ratio was closer to 100:1. Given that, if IT staff can suddenly demand overtime pay, corporate is going to find a way to reduce the costs which translates to less-demanding platforms.

Comment The changing face of COCOMO (Score 1) 197

This makes me wonder what the development process is like in non-commercial environments versus commercials ones. COCOMO is supposed to let you estimate the time and costs of a project but that hinges on your estimation of the number of lines of code. The model also assumes that the average programmer can create a certain number of lines of code per day. Seems to me that this pace is MUCH slower in aerospace than it is at Google or Facebook. So perhaps COCOMO needs to be revised with an industry factor.

This also makes me wonder how old SpaceX's computers are.


Electric Eel Shocks Like a Taser 29

Science_afficionado writes After a nine month study, a Vanderbilt biologist has determined that the electric eel emits series of millisecond, high-voltage pulses to paralyze its prey just before it attacks. The high-voltage pulses cause the motor neurons in its target to violently contract, leaving it temporarily immobilized in the same fashion as the high-voltage pulses produced by a Taser. He documented this effect using high-speed video. The eel, which is nocturnal and has very poor eyesight, also uses closely spaced pairs of high-voltage pulses when hunting for hidden prey. He determined that the pulses cause the prey's body to twitch which produces water movements that the eel uses to locate its position even when it's hidden from view.

Comment So, this raises a few points (Score 1) 186

First, at what time of year are CO2 levels being measured for use in writing environmental research papers (and dictating policy)? Second, if corn is such a big contributor, then corn ethanol is adding to CO2 levels not reducing them. Third, by pissing away water on bait fish in California instead of allowing farms to grow CO2-inhaling crops (of plant types that aren't completely cut down each harvest), we are effectively adding to CO2 levels.


Millions of Spiders Seen In Mass Dispersal Event In Nova Scotia 81

Freshly Exhumed writes A bizarre and oddly beautiful display of spider webs have been woven across a large field along a walking trail in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. "Well it's acres and acres; it's a sea of web," said Allen McCormick. Prof. Rob Bennett, an expert on spiders who works at the Royal British Columbia Museum in Victoria, BC, Canada, said tiny, sheet-web weaver spiders known as Erigoninae linyphiidae most likely left the webs. Bennett said the spiders cast a web net to catch the wind and float away in a process known as ballooning. The webs in the field are the spiders' drag lines, left behind as they climb to the top of long grass to be whisked away by the wind. Bennett said it's a mystery why these spiders take off en masse.

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