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Comment Re:Welcome! (Score 1) 1083

you're making an absolute judgment on the entire society

Show me where I did that.

makes your arbitrarily determined authority

Again, stop making shit up. There is no authority, but there is such a category as developed countries, which the US belongs to, who all legislate openly such that you can track trends, political movements, ideological shifts, legislation and make comparisons.

And if you can find someone who's job is to track those very things and measure them against each other who will happily assert that the US looks leftist compared to most other developed countries, by all means, please do point him or her out of to me. That would be a rare and welcome treat.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Thanks, Obama! 37

Talking to a Caribbean-based business acquaintance this week reminded me that, no matter my feelings for the Obama administration, I will be eternally grateful that he's taken Cuba off the table. Because in the pantheon of stupid american wedge issues, the Cuban embargo is near-lock for the title IMO.

Comment Re:Welcome! (Score 1) 1083

what international standards? saudi arabia? malaysia?

If you bothered to read a little further, you would have caught the "developed countries" part. HTH.

those are just arbitrary points, not Magical Authoritative Determinators of Ideology, Anointed By God, which you apparently believe for some ignorant reason

Assumes facts not in evidence. Thanks for the bad faith.

the truth is, every society has some who resist change, and some who accelerate it. the center is determined by the center of that society, at that time. and this center is always moving. and it is the only logically valid measure of center, left, and right. for that given society. at that given time

Hence why, currently, and for a a while now at least, the US has been regarded as more conservative than most other developed countries. You're not refuting any points with this.

if you really reached for some magical bullshit measure of ideology globally, rather than society-by-society (the only valid measure), then the usa is actually a moderate middle-of-the-road country

And if you actually bothered to read what's got you frothing so much, you'd find that nothing like that has actually happened. Best of luck.

Comment Re:Those evil enemy oppressors (Score 1) 818

How about the European Union?

Not a country. HTH.

What if Greece decided to leave an Germany attacked it?

WTF are you smoking?

It's not exactly the same, but the same premise.

"[It] ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport!"

Comment Sigh (Score 1) 4

As an optimistic younger lad, I really thought most bigotry (in industrialized countries anyway) would at least be on death's doorstep by the time I was as well.

Sadly, learning anything about race relations in the US long ago crushed that timeline for me.

Oh well. All you can do is fight, right? Keep up the good work.

Comment Re:Most bloodthirsty fiction (Score 2) 52

,i>nope, i'd say libertarians don't really care what other people do over there, it's their own rights they're concerned about. get your own house in order... and all that.

So, nothing to do with what GP was talking about then?

"Republicans want a huge military but they don't want to send it anywhere. The Democrats wants a small military and they want to send it everywhere."

That was a cute joke in the 90s. Sadly, recent history's kinda fucked that up, no?

Comment Re:Can u say bubble? (Score 3, Informative) 116

I love all you Americans crowing about the uselessness of the coming distributed energy age. Y'all might be correct as far as the US goes (and for now), but for billions of us in the rest of the world, shit like this has either been cost-effective for years or one of the few methods to get any kind of electricity when you don't the massive capital for the old-school way.

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