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Submission + - Jury finds no Patent Infringement in Google vs. Oracle (

vivin writes: "The Jury in Google vs. Oracle has found no patent infringement. The API question remains unanswered until the judge reaches a decision on that matter. This is a big win for Google because if Oracle had won on this issue, they would have gone for an injunction on Android in the US."

Submission + - ReFS: The "next generation" file system for Windows (

vivin writes: "This blog post from MSDN, authored by Surendra Verma (development manager on Storage and File System team) describes ReFS (Resilient File System), which will be a new filesystem for Windows that will be rolled out with Windows Server 8. This means that it will not be available in regular version of Windows Server 8. However, ReFS data is supposed to be accessible from clients just as NTFS data would be."

Submission + - Sony admits major security breach in PSN ( 1

" rel="nofollow">vivin writes: "ARS Technica reports that Sony has provided more information about its "external intrusion". It appears that personal information has been compromised. According to Sony, if you are on PSN, the following pieces of information have been compromised for sure: your name, your address (city, state, and zip), country, e-mail address, birthday, PSN password and login name.

Sony also stated that it was possible that your profile data (including purchase history and billing address), and security answers have been obtained. If you have a dependent on your account, their data may also be compromised."

Comment Re:Toilet paper, AI rights. (Score 1) 111

If an AI is sufficiently advanced as to be distinguished from a human, does it have a right to not stare at people's goatses?

Can you imagine being the QA for that AI? Or even the developer tasked with developing that AI?

"What do you do all day?"
"Oh, I find pictures of people taking shits and feed it to my AI".

Comment No surprise (Score 2) 346

This should come at no surprise to any one. They have a vested interest in maintaining the status quo. Of course they're going to panic when they see control of the distribution channels slip away from them. What these idiots don't understand is that if they adjusted their business model, they could make a decent amount of money with current technology. Maybe that's why they're idiots.

I'm sure they'll come up with some bullshit argument as to how this is "stifling competition". That seems to their answer for everything. Kind of like "OMG TERRORISTS!".

Comment Re:Who cares? (Score 1) 366

China is still in the year 1984. The censoring of the word "freedom" is very telling. It perfectly sums up what the Communist Party in China is all about; suppressing individual liberty. They are the boot stamping on a human face. I hope China is able to move out from under the shadow of Big Brother in the coming decades

Comment Re:Compare and Contrast (Score 1) 554

FF has a better history of adhering to standards than IE. IE also came from a company that went out of its way to try and dominate the web with its proprietary technology and almost succeeded. Some (if not much) cynicism is warranted.

Comment DO NOT WANT (Score -1, Offtopic) 79

This sucks. Really sucks. I've been a T-Mobile customer since 2002 and I've enjoyed their great customer service. They've rarely screwed me over. I'm not looking forward to dealing with AT&T's douchebaggery. I'm going to jump ship as soon as I can.

Sprint or Verizon? How do they compare to T-Mobile?

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