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Comment Re:call it the Ukraine-2 (Score 1) 152

they call ukraine "new russia"

i suggest the usa call kamchatka "new alaska"

china can reclaim outer manchuria they lost to russia in the mid 1800s

fuck you russia, imperial bullying douchebag

we should not be doing any space program with these assholes, we should be shutting down programs

Comment Re:I'd put a 'may' there (Score 2) 42

Snort. Because the democrats who dominated congress up to now have done sooo well at eliminating graft & pork. Hell, we can barely remember what those are thanks to the wonderful dems taking care of all that is wrong in the world and sprinkling fairy dust in our morning cereal...

Find a new axe to grind, your old one is worn out.

Pot, meet kettle.

The difference here, of course, is that neither side refrains from indulging in fatty pork products, but only one of them is claiming government spending is bad while doing so.

Comment Re:He's good. (Score 0, Troll) 198

yeah, i despise the plutocracy, the abuse of our political system by corporations, how wall street and bankers are allowed to get away with terrible crimes, etc.

but a bank is a fucking completely normal institution we all need. it just needs to be heavily regulated to function fairly

to call all banks evil and and all bankers evil just makes you out to be a complete moron

good luck with not getting robbed once people find out you stuff your money in your mattress

Comment Re:Perfection is unattainable. (Score 1) 385

yes, i am familiar with this faulty line of reasoning

the simple response to your logical fallacy is: because grey areas exist doesn't mean black and white don't exist

it might not be possible to draw a hard line on behavior. but there is behavior which is clearly not in a grey area and clearly calls for a judgment against you

this pilot had clear signs of being untrustworthy to fly commercially. it's not fuzzy and unsure

if you don't believe me, wait until a few years when the first verdicts come down in this case. a judge/ jury will decide on his employer/ the govt fucking up. the facts as they appear now show a clear problem that should have precluded him from piloting any plane with people on board

Comment Re:No it isn't. (Score 1) 54

NK puts its citizens in *concentration camps* for crimes, some petty, some political

*three generations* of prisoners

your granddad looked the wrong way at the wrong way

therefore, you are born in and suffer as a malnourished slave

this isn't a *political disagreement* i have, moron, this is me making an observation of extremely gross human rights abuses, that no other country in today's world approaches, save perhaps in the areas controlled by ISIS and Boko Haram. NK goes far, far beyond any cruelty in the USA and Saudi Arabia, or any other real country

the simple fact is you have no fucking clue what you are talking about

and, again, you lack a sense of proportionality and degree

your knowledge on this topic is deficient

and your judgment is wrong in such a way that tends to suggest a general deficiency, off on more than just geopolitics

you should stop talking about this topic unless you like being laughed at by anyone serious and intelligent

Comment Re:This too shall pass (Score 4, Insightful) 54

NK bad is several orders of magnitude worse than most countries in the world.

All countries have problems but to talk about those interchangeably with NK's problems is a farcical level of ignorance or intellectual dishonesty about just how bad it is in NK.

You can't say anything intelligent about your world if you have no sense of proportion and degree.

Comment Re:the law has to be better (Score 1) 385

i agree

so give a financial incentive to self-report. that discretion and confidence will be maintained. that graceful financial transition would be supported. because the company would rather deal with that, much cheaper than a PR fiasco, lawsuits, destroyed equipment, etc

enforce that approach by law even

then you are left with the truly deep in denial types. those who think they can beat their illness, or that continuing in their job is proof they have things under control, until they don't. these are people who might have even been attracted to the job of airplane pilot in the first place, as a proof to themselves they can maintain great responsibility in the face of stress

so the problem becomes one like pedophiles in the priesthood: in some ways, the priesthood attracts well-meaning individuals who think the religious purity will allow them to beat an affliction they know they have. of course, human weakness prevails in the end

or pedophile teachers

or sadistic cops: you know you get a thrill abusing and dominating, so you're attracted to the police force

these are difficult problems

but that doesn't mean we tolerate pedophile priests/ teachers, sadistic police, or mentally ill pilots. it just means it is hard to root them out when they have an incentive to hide

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