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Comment Re:matlab is not new (Score 3) 205

What is lost in the article is that a Mathematics PhD or at least information science as part of a CS or EE course, is probably the ACTUAL skill that google would like. You can pick up Matlab if you have been using other tools to do the function, but it's a shitload harder to pick up the math and relevant algorithms, research and hive knowledge.

Comment Re:The language in the old west (Score 5, Insightful) 387

I think there's a difference between using strong language on a person who demonstrably done something you don't agree with, versus death threats, continuous abuse, stalking or directing said vitriol against large groups people only related by race, gender, etc.

The wild west had a lot of advantages over "civilization", you did not have to suffer fools.

Comment Re:Let me get this right (Score 1) 839

Hopefully (probably?) what he means is that the only taxes are on consumption.

The problem is still there. If you make $30k/yr almost all of your income goes to consumption. If you make $500k/yr, a good amount of your income is going to various forms of investment, savings and trust funds. You aren't "consuming". You will surely consume more, and more of that is luxury, but you hit a point where the incremental return on luxury items starts to wash compared to long term security.

Comment Re:Systemic abuse can only be handled one way (Score 1) 54

Really? I think they lost far less than that.

They may have been amongst the highest paying in their discipline. I'm confident that $5k would have been a drop in the bucket for some of these guys.

This sort of thing needs to be punished as heavily as possible, if it is not, it will be seen as in the best fiduciary interests of shareholders TO do it, and risk being found out.

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