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Comment Re:Olathe (Score 0) 120

I'm curious... have you seen the terms of their service agreement? I'm wondering if you have to agree that Google can parse the unencrypted parts of your data stream for advertising/user metrics (for anonymizing and sale)?

Comment Re:No, that is not possible (Score 1) 261

No...no...the parent is absolutely correct. Suits are only interested in the bottom line, not the goodwill of the costumers, nor any one else.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure filing this trademark was a waste of assets.I don't even think "any publicity is good publicity" works in this instance. These guys were clueless morons with no business sense.


Submission + - Google boss says tax avoidance IS capitalism (independent.co.uk) 1

Bruce66423 writes: Eric Schmidt said £2.5 billion tax avoidance 'is called capitalism': is totally unrepentant. One must admit to being impressed by his honesty, unlike Starbucks who are gratuitously giving the British government money. So the question is — how can British geeks ensure their displeasure is demonstrated — apart from making sure that ALL their friends have Adblocker software installed

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