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Comment Re:Freedom of choice (Score 1) 1051

A public health official in the United States may not require administration of any vaccination not approved by the FDA.

Therefore, the question this proposal raises is not "Should we mandate that people get injected with vaccines that are known to be safe and effective."

The question, "is a vaccine known to be safe and effective," is indeed answered before a vaccine may even be offered to the public. Do you live in a country where this is not true? If so, it's not the United States.

Comment Re:This seems a missed opportunity (Score 1) 59

Probably afraid it will remind their users of the Stasi. With Google's political connections growing strong and their spying becoming more and more like East Germany, they are becoming a danger to freedom in the US. While Google is still smaller (55k vs 91k employees) than the Stasi in 1989, they can be even more effective because of technology.

And that's why I use Bing!. Bing! is easy, fun, and Bing! respects your privacy. Bing! may not be able to find its ass with both hands, but that makes it kid safe!

Comment Re:Hoax (Score 1) 986

The point is, even when someone is actively looking to figure out how a magic trick is performed they can still be fooled. In an experiment like the one referenced here, physicists and chemists would tend to be out of their element if someone is actively trying to dupe them because science relies on experimenters honestly and accurately documenting their procedures.

It's no mystery where the discrepancy in Rossi's experiment likely originates: independant reseachers were not given complete control of the apparatus and procedures. The proper response to promising and surprising results, replicating and studying the experiment in detail by duplicating the apparatus providing the conditions producing the results, is not possible because that apparatus is, conveniently for anyone wishing to avoid it being revealed as a fraud, a trade secret.

The point was that they WERE fooled because they did not know how the trick was performed

There remains a distinct difference that you are trying to dispose of as if it were an inconvenient corpse: understanding that extraordinary claims require extraordinary extraordinary evidence, CERN revealed every detail of every aspect of their experiment, methodology, and results, inviting others to replicate their experiment, whereas Rossi, understanding that extraordinary claims generate extraordinary hype, is soliticiting money and withholding information.

Even if both CERN and Rossi were, in fact, fooled by erroneous results, which assumes honest intentions on the part of Rossi, this difference in methology remains, and confers falsifiability upon CERN's claims, whereas those of Rossi do not include sufficient attendant information to be replicated or falsified.

The poster to whom you are replying tried to point out to you that the only ones "fooled" by CERN's claims became so as a result of their own error, but you just didn't get it. CERN did not angrily insist that there is money to be made breaking the speed of light and prevent others from testing the claim, accusing the rest of the world of jealous dishonesty. Was CERN "fooled" as you say? If they were, they were very careful to avoid fooling others, inviting investigation to confirm their data and identify any weaknesses in their methods. There is a world of difference: one party is open to avoid and correct foolishness, whereas the other is secretive and preserves the ability to fool others. Whether any party is truly fooled in their heart of hearts can never be known and does not matter if they follow the scientific method, which Rossi does not.

Comment Re:Incompetent Administration (Thanks GWB) (Score 1) 425

Give it couple years. Honestly, military or covert action, the result is the same. The military came right after the covert action, there are hundreds of US "advisors" operating there right now. As for "mad" part, he's started a civil war, killed 3500 people so far and started to enact laws to oppress minorities. I'd say it qualifies. Also he's set private mercenary bands uncontrolled by the government against civilian population in the process. Many of which left mass graves in their wakes, bodies are being exhumed that died execution style with bullet to head from short distance, this spells war crimes to me.

Uhhh, ok.... Been watching a lot of Russia Today, have we?

Comment Re:Rent a Tesla for $1 (Score 1) 335

For the purposes of this discussion, they represent a democracy

If your baseline of a democracy is North Korea, the discussion you're having is imaginary.

Or, you are the supreme leader of North Korea.

They represent democracy, for the purposes of this discussion. Making them a representative democracy.

Also, for the purposes of this discussion, Cypress Hill will be representing the west coast, and a Mr. Pope Ratzo will be representing confused people who still don't get it.

Comment Re:How much have the seas risen? (Score 0) 182

Well, I know Venice's big problem is that the city is actually sinking into the mud. That's been known for a long time. There are parts of the city that are always a good more then 5 inches under water. You'll see buildings with door ways that are about 4 feet submerged. So I'm a little dubious of that reference.

As to this situation. I'd have to see the thing. I can't take anyone's word for this sort of thing anymore. There's too much "opinion making" going on with people trying to distort the issue to suit their own personal grinding axe.

I could do the same thing... but I won't... I'll just say I'll need to see more to believe a word of it.

You have no idea that you're not thinking for yourself, do you?

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