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Comment Re:Dose (Score 1) 381

One of my relatives had a stroke and afterwards she is now always thirsty. At first, nobody caught on to this and she drank herself near to death, just with water - exactly as you said, she broke the balance of electrolytes in her system.
Now it all has to be closely monitored as to how much she has had to drink, and yet she is always thirsty - must be an awful feeling.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Been a long time since I rock and rolled

It has also been a long time since I posted in this journal.

I have this idea that I want to get geek feedback on. I will post it here in this journal in the hopes that smart folks will read it and laugh at me. I am contemplating submitting a version of it to Ask Slashdot to get even more feedback.

The idea:
User Journal

Journal Journal: Scrabble

I have largely been using my LiveJournal page ( instead of this page as my journal. But I just finished something sufficiently dorky that it is likely better suited for here for a bit - then will later discuss it more in depth there and then also post up the source code to PerlMonks.

I have been trying to figure out how many possible game boards there are for the game Scrabble. It is a far from infinite number, but it is a huge ass number.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Do you want to find alligator cowboy boots that they just...

...put on sale?
Polyester Bride by Liz Phair (sp?)

She is a cutie.

I am starting to learn interesting things about fractal analysis of the stock market. Not the Brownian motion stuff fully, but along the same lines. geometric instead of cumulative sum stuff.

User Journal

Journal Journal: I had an epiphany on the toilet yesterday

I was going to the bathroom at work and I'm the first to admit that there are a few places where all of my good ideas come to me, and they are all when I'd otherwise be ragingly bored if my mind didn't wander the way it does:
1) college classes - I don't have those anymore, but those were great times for my mind to check out and think of other stuff
2) reading a book - this is unfortunate since it slows me down in actually reading the book when my mind wanders off
3) sitting on the t

User Journal

Journal Journal: I've found religion

Those men and women that create that should be worshipped as gods. That is my new religion - we have one of those (the larger office version, not the personal addict version) in the office, as did my previous employer.

As a bonus, it is also apparently bad on the environment since the little K-cups aren't recyclable. They burn everything here anyway... well, not everything - witches they drown. But trash gets burned.

User Journal

Journal Journal: An idea...

We know that HP, Coke, iTunes, WalMart (or was it KMart), MusicMatch, etc are trying to do online downloads of songs. You pay $N and then get N songs - instant gratification.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Just got an iPod for my fiancee

I went out and bought a 20gig iPod for my fiancee. Here it cost me $630. It comes with a 1 year warrantee on it, but since they have that known 18 month battery issue, I upgraded it to a 2 year warrantee for $90 more. Lots of money.
If she doesn't like it, I will sure as hell use it, but it isn't intended to be the type of gift where you get it for someone in the hopes that you will get to use it.

User Journal

Journal Journal: coffeecoffeecoffee

My head hurts, my heart is racing, I have to pee.
No it isn't love, but perhaps even better - I've ingested a whole bunch of coffee today.

I think I must have gotten rid of my caffeine mug that I got off of Thinkgeek when I moved here, so I no longer have that and am just using one of the ones here in the office.
I think I had at least 5 cups of coffee today.

User Journal

Journal Journal: mentally flailing and grasping

I hate this feeling. I know it is in my head, the proverbial tip of the tongue moment. I hate the feeling.

I recall reading about a game that was posted on Slashdot within the past 2 years. It was less of a game than it is just a diversion - a relaxing one.
It used OpenGL and would take blocks and color them and then move them about in virtual 3D space and your movement would then influence how it behaved.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Phone dillemmas - what a nice life.

The fact that the only real dilemma in my life right now is that I want to get this phone, and regardless of the costs available to me, I can afford them all - this reminds me that my life is pretty damn easy. It is just a matter of whether I want to pay less and wait, or pay more and have it right now in my grubby little hands. Any complaints I have are pretty meaningless in my life right now. I am healthy, I live in a nice place, and I can afford everything that I need.

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I'm always looking for a new idea that will be more productive than its cost. -- David Rockefeller
