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Comment Re:Malware (Score 0) 103

It's already here. They're called smartphone apps.

Exactly. If the ${INSERT_SPY_ORG_HERE} wants to know what you are doing, you will only be presented with a notice that one of your apps has been updated. The government with the most influence over the companies that control the app stores wins the spy war. There are three majors. They are all multinationals based in the U.S.

When any one of these companies stops playing ball with the U.S., their IRS tax bill will come due. That's your clue to how well they are protecting your privacy.

Comment Re:How do we know life can't adapt to it? (Score 1) 80

To get a sense of the energies involved: if you're a light-year way from a supernova, the neutrinos will kill you, even though they barely interact with matter at all.

Complete and utter bullshit. You are pulling numbers out of your ass. I give you the truth. I stopped reading your post after that sentence.

Comment Re:Anti-math and anti-science ... (Score 4, Informative) 981

You do realize that "gates of Vienna" is a reference to the Islamic expansion into Europe which was only halted at... Vienna?

If you want to know why people are a bit dismissive of the OP's post, please read this critique of the website the OP linked to. Trust me when I say that you don't want to get your history lessons from that site.

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