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Comment Re:So, it has come to this. (Score 4, Insightful) 742

I believe the idea that unions are still relevant is a popular message among the corporate media. For example when Hostess went bankrupt in 2012 due to mismanagement, the press reported mostly that the business would have to close if the unions didn't make concessions. Never mind the fact that they had previously made many concessions in the past, and the new contract would result in wages barely over minimum wage yet would not touch executive bonuses. OCP owns the police.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 5, Insightful) 2219

We want to take our current content and all the stuff that matters to this community and deliver it on a site that still speaks to the interests and habits of our current audience, but that is, at the same time, more accessible and shareable by a wider audience.

I think the problem is that if you build an engine for a wider audience at the cost of the community, you'll be left with nothing. There are plenty of other "shiny" websites for the mass audience. The community that was built at Slashdot is the real value of the brand. If the parent company wants to build a website with a mass appeal, they should build one from scratch and spin Slashdot off into a separate company.

Comment Re:Begun they have... (Score 1) 234

There was one person that posted "Beta is fine, Beta is great", but the comment text itself was how to improve things that fell short. It seems like a forgone conclusion that once the new system goes live, most people that contribute to the Slashdot community will leave and never come back.

Comment Re:Not quite that (Score 1) 269

If you look at the link I posted above, there is a model that shows how the spoiler effect is real. This has happened in the real world many times. For recent examples look at Perot and Nader taking away votes from candidates that lost their elections. What is your evidence that this effect is a fallacy?

Comment Re:Not quite that (Score 1) 269

You could see it that way, but it is more likely that by not voting you are giving the supporters evil person better leverage by not working against them. Your only chance is to get the good person to win the primary, but if you don't it's giant douche or turd sandwich.

Comment Re:Not quite that (Score 0) 269

". Our current president is the most conservative president our country has ever had, " well, there it is. The stupidest statement on slashdot to date.

He's not the *most* conservative, but he could easily be within the top 5. He hasn't enacted a single "liberal" action or policy that didn't have corporate backing.

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