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Comment Re:A natural reaction to Faux News i think (Score 1) 181

It's not revisionist history if there are primary sources and first hand accounts stating the pro-corporate anti-fact checking was the goal of Fox News founder Roger Ailes. It's not an accident that the average Fox News fan is less informed than people that don't watch any news at all, it is on purpose. Fox news may be the worst, but most media outlets have the pro-corporate bias, since that is who owns them and pays the bills.

Comment Re:A natural reaction to Faux News i think (Score 4, Insightful) 181

Fox News was established to give the Conservative (actually pro-corporate) point of view without fact checking. It's not an accident that this shift started 30 years ago, when the media was deregulated by the Reagan administration. It used to be that TV and radio companies (being totally dependent on the government regulation of their bandwidth via the FCC) would be obligated to provide the news as a public service even if it ran at a loss. It was allowed to become corporatized to turn a profit, at the expense of credibility.

Comment Re:Prediction: There will be heavier restrictions. (Score 1) 333

They may get their funding from members and donations, but their policy and leadership is set by the minority that side with gun manufacturers. Example: most NRA members (75%) support sensible gun control whereas the lobbying arm will score against legislators that propose and vote for them (

Comment Re:A bunch of spineless wimps... (Score 1) 213

You are right that there are other options, but Oracle has enough income that they can undercut all these offerings when they see a potential client using a competitor. If they can sell your product at a loss to cannibalize the competitor's profits, it is functionally a monopoly.

Comment Re:A bunch of spineless wimps... (Score 1) 213

With his company in a near monopoly position, he has incentive to funnel company profits into stock buybacks rather than investing in real growth. The options he has will increase in price, and the shares the company buys from the open market can be set aside to replenish his options that he cashes in. This is only a problem for companies that have grown so large they have no real competition to challenge their profits.

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