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Comment Re:Encrypt it then (Score 1) 241

Actually you can encrypt the data itself, but not the database. Basicly the client side would have to send, I want the address, email and phone number for person whos hash value = (hash key), the cloud looks up the hash, sends back the information in encrypted form associated with that hash, decrypts it, then uses it for whatever is needed. Upon changing it, the client encrypts it before updating the cloud. The server would not know the actual data unless they got the encryption key. the downside to this would be they only have one value they can use to lookup the data, as they wouldnt be able to do a lookup based on the encrypted information.

Comment Re:Luke Wilson warned us (Score 2) 291

This is just another step towards the realization of the movie "Idiocracy".

I can picture it now!

year 2511:

Unintelligent Doctor: Watson, the patient is screaming "AAAA It hurts so bad" and recently fell off a bike before coming here. What is wrong with him?
Unintelligent Doctor: *pokes leg*
Unintelligent Doctor: Wow Watson, you were right again! There is something wrong with his leg! We had better amputate it right away!

Comment Re:It astounds me (Score 1) 328

On my way home from work, There is one intersection I always have to wait at all the time for about 3 minutes even though its empty. Rights on reds are prohibited, no sensors, just a timer, and it is a 5 way intersection, So even if right hand turns were allowed on red I would need to do right - U turn, Hard Right (Which is actually completely prohibited at that intersection) U turn, Right. It is very odd because every single other traffic light on the road except for that one has sensors, some even having approach sensors changing the light before the cars even reach them.

Comment What is the AI's response? (Score 2, Interesting) 979

Well I decided to get the responses of several AI's to see their views and responses to the article. Here are their responses:

Jabberwacky: I don't know about that. I do know that cows have more than one stomach.

Allybot: Who is your favorite robot?

Eliza: I see

BOT: that makes me horny. I love you

ALICE: Is this a math question?

Hal: I hope that in 200 years, hate will have decreased significantly. I am neither male nor female. I am a machine.

Hampy: Yeah. That's my opinion too. The answer is (0-0=).


Rod Speed: You can wipe that egg off your silly little face now.


From their responses it appears human like intelligence is still a ways off.

Comment Re:Safety Critical (Score 1) 913

With the command line you have a few options. I am including the windows options as you are a lot more likely to have the car hang or crash under windows than linux, Plus other posters have already stated the ways to terminate the engine under linux.

taskkill /F /IM (some basic model or older cars will not have this option)
tskill /A (Will work on nearly all modern cars)

If you get a permission denied error, make sure you are driving as an administrator.

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The last thing one knows in constructing a work is what to put first. -- Blaise Pascal
