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Comment Re:Still overpriced (Score 2) 330

Agree. The best thing for these devices is land fill. They have no purpose existing.

The hardware is interesting; it's the OS (Windows RT) that's sinking it. If we could figure out how to install something else, the device might get a new lease on life.

You can jailbreak it. XDA Forums have a list of apps recompiled for it. You can also run powershell and .net apps.

Comment Re:Encryption is easy. Key management, not so much (Score 1) 127

Not using IDEA is a good call.

"As of 2007, the best attack which applies to all keys can break IDEA reduced to 6 rounds (the full IDEA cipher uses 8.5 rounds).[1] Note that a "break" is any attack which requires less than 2128 operations; the 6-round attack requires 264 known plaintexts and 2126.8 operations.
Bruce Schneier thought highly of IDEA in 1996, writing, "In my opinion, it is the best and most secure block algorithm available to the public at this time." (Applied Cryptography, 2nd ed.) However, by 1999 he was no longer recommending IDEA due to the availability of faster algorithms, some progress in its cryptanalysis, and the issue of patents.[5]"

Pedantry aside, I *so* know what you mean.

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