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Comment Re:As long as it works (Score 1) 928

Actually the Mas and Pas is a easy Linux market, just setup a desktop with a functioning copy of firefox or chromium, remote administration via ssh and you're set. Add open office for the random document and that pretty much covers the Mas and Pas requirements.

As long as it has functioning Java and Flash. Unfortunately, Java in Firefox on Linux tends to break a lot and my experience has been Flash only works correctly on 32-bit systems.

Comment Re:as the birds go (Score 1) 610

FYI, that is an example of incorrect behavior. They raped him.

I don't have a bible in front of me to double check. As I remember it they tried to rape him, but he was able to pull out at the last second. He was punished by G*d for pulling out. I've never been able to determine the exact lesson that story was trying to teach. But it could be a case of poor reading comprehension over the years.

Comment Re:I know! (Score 1) 545

And brantondaveperson's comment was that the ease of the Linux install was due to the newness, and had you installed an equivalently new windows (7 or 8.1) you wouldn't have had as many problems. Conversely had you tried to install Debian 3.0 or 3.1, or a similarly aged Linux distro; I would expect you to have similar problems to the XP install.
As to system requirements, most performance tests I've seen indicate that if you meet the minimum requirements 7 is faster than XP and 8.1 is faster still.
However, you appeared to have the constraint of "low cost", and if you had the XP license it's not a surprise that's what you went with. Just be aware you aren't comparing apples to apples.

Comment Re:Of course we can (Score 2) 140

If they found a cure that worked very well, was easy to administer, safe to administer, and cheap to produce - it'd mean they'll be throwing out their billion dollar -treatment- routines that people keep having to come back to otherwise.

That's what patents are supposedly for. No matter how cheap it is to produce, they would have a limited monopoly on it, so they could charge much more than a free market would normally allow.

Not that I normally endorse free markets, I believe from a consumer point of view they break in half once you get two or three large players that shut out other competition.

Comment Re:Where are the buggy whip dealers? (Score 1) 544

But the data was improperly restricted to people with experience with both slideout keyboards and virtual keyboards. You can't say anything about the general phone population with this restriction in place.

Why is this a big deal?


I would assume that most people have had experience with more than one phone and probably most people
have considered a physical keyboard at some point. The ones who have actually bought them are probably
more likely to be heavy typers/texters so that biases it a little bit but if 30% of the population...

The first half of your second paragraph shows why it's a big deal. In order to make any sense out of the numbers we have to know how many people have owned slide out keyboards (not just physical keyboards in general) vs the total population, and we don't.

Saying 20% of people who have tried both prefer pepsi over coke makes alot
more sense that saying 95% of people who have tried pepsi like it.

Neither of these answers the question of the viability of the market, so they are both equally poor choices if that is what you are looking for.

There might just be too small of market for people who type/text alot and also are willing to pay for an
expensive phone

I can agree with this.

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