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Comment Re:Death traps. (Score 1) 451

You are somewhat the rarity with your vintage car. For most people, drive by wire is already a thing. The throttle has been drive by wire for years on most cars, and some of today's cars are steer by wire. (Yes, there is manual reversion if it fails, but in normal driving you have no mechanical connection between the steering wheel and the wheels of the car). Many cars can brake independently of the driver. Even my 2007 Civic has traction control and ABS fitted as standard.

Comment Re:Buggy whip makers said automobiles aren't... (Score 1) 451

Traffic would probably flow considerably better in a city full of self driving cars. A lot of the chaos of city driving is because of human error and human reaction delays.

You only have to fly over a traffic jam on a major highway to see problems that could be significantly alleviated by self driving cars that communicate with each other. Quite often you see traffic jams with no explanation - a mile of stationary traffic, but there's no obstacle in front and none behind. What happened is two hours earlier someone slammed on their brakes, someone following too close had to brake harder, and eventually the whole highway stops. As long as traffic is not leaving the stopped area faster than it is arriving, you get a self-sustaining traffic jam long after the original cause has gone away. The self driving car will reduce the instances in the first place of the cause, and if it does happen will be able to as a group moderate their speed in such a way that you don't end up with a mile of stopped cars. Instead of the next car only starting after it has seen the previous one begin to move + reaction delay, all cars will be able to start moving at once or nearly so.

Comment Re:greedy liar (Score 0) 451

(your iPhone App will show you the nearest ones

I love the lack of self-awareness in this. Most people don't have an iPhone...but I'm sure where you're at, everyone does and thus it simply doesn't occur to you to say otherwise. It's a kind of blindness that is a common affliction of secluded, cocooned urbanites who never leave their comfort zone. You live in the center of the city, don't you? How do your kids like the schools there? Just curious.

Comment Re:People (Score 0) 216

That wasn't an "outside military", it was the legitimate government engaged in putting down an insurrection by right-wing extremists. Liberty? No taxation without representation? Self-government? Ridiculous concepts, they should have let the smart people make the correct choices for them to ensure positive outcomes.

Comment Re:Defeating the purpose (Score 0) 77

And yet, strangely enough, millions of people each day arrive at their destinations unscathed. Really really bad at driving? Collisions would be daily or monthly events, instead of rare. My grandmother drove her entire life without a single incident. Even in countries where people really are bad at driving, still to be in a collision is a noteworthy event.

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