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Comment Other skills have agents (Score 1) 145

Writers, performers, singers, boxers all have agents. I'm not sure if the model works for all those groups of people, but that's what's there. On the other hand, that's mostly because they don't have a regular job - they need someone to find and negotiate the pay for them as they're either otherwise busy working or don't have the skills or contacts to get the work. Maybe if the job were per-project and rockstar developers could come in and guarantee some level of performance for some level of pay negotiated by the agent that could work.

Comment Re:Fuck you Bill fucking Nye... (Score 2) 681

Hey Bill. Kindly go fuck yourself. Seriously. If you believe (and apparently you do), that only Ivy League universities can provide any education of merit, then you really are more of a mindless tool than I suspected.

QFT. Consider how well the Ivy Leaguers mismanaging the executive branch of the government are doing as further proof of the uselessness of credentialism.

Comment Re:Horribly misleading summary (Score -1) 681

He's using climate change as an example to demonstrate his point. (A near-unanimous consensus among scientists maintain that climate change is happening and is a serious problem; over 50% of the US population disagrees. This demonstrates that the US population is largely science-illiterate or science-hostile.)

O RLY? (The Google link should bypass their paywall.) In addition to "consensus" being inherently unscientific (was Copernicus "science-illiterate" when he proposed his heliocentric theory of the solar system when the consensus view was in favor of a geocentric theory?), there is much to suggest that the "97%" number is as overcooked as most of the recent temperature records have been.

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