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Comment Re:Multiculturalism (Score 1) 221

I don't know about asia, but european languages are related in so many ways, so learning one can help you understand things written in another.

For example: Norwegian, Swedish and Danish are so simular that they usually can understand eachother. Icelandic is not that far away. Dutch to me sounds like a mix between German and English. People from Finland usually learn Swedish in school.

Now, I don't speak either of these languages myself, but from what others have told me French, Italian and Spanish are related so much that you can get by in a pinch knowing one of those in one of the other countries.

Switzerland has German and French as languages. Belgium has Dutch, German and French.

It really is fascinating how some of the languages are related.

To waste some time, have a look at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-European_languages

I have learned English and some German, but if I would learn another language it would be Spanish.

Comment 3D is like a subwoofer (Score 2) 710

3D in a movie should be like the subwoofer/bass in a surround system. It should be tuned so that you don't notice it is there, but you should notice if it is missing.

3D where they have things flying towards you out of the screen is like turning the bass waaaaay up. Tacky and very distracting.

As the previous poster said: good 3D will make the visuals look better. As will a subwoofer do for sound.

Submission + - Humoristic IPv6 "Killer App" (ip6.no)

noring writes: The migration to IPv6 has been slow. A Norwegian ISP has observed in the past that a female taking off some of her clothes can do wonders for the penetration of new technology. They have created a "Killer App" in a humoristic attempt to spark the interest for IPv6 among end-users. http://ip6.no/index-en.html

Comment I use something other than touch/home keys (Score 2) 362

I never learned touch correctly, but I do type pretty fast without looking by using a weird combination of fingers. I rest my hands in a sort of home-position, but then I use fewer fingers to type. It's what have worked best for me. To describe how I use my fingers would be very weird, but one could say for most of my typing I use 3 fingers on each hand, in addition to right thumb for space and right pinky for enter/return.

When I write code I usually spend more time thinking than typing, so speed haven't really been an issue. I score 60+ WPM and allthough that is a far cry from the 120WPM mentioned in the article it really is fast enough for me.

Comment Expedia eats up profit margins for the hotels (Score 3, Informative) 279

According to a hotel manager I know expedia wanted 1/3 commision on hotel rooms.

Sure, he appreciated the extra business, but at the same time it was a major cut in their profit margin.

And expedia (and other hotel booking services) now wield so much power that it's hard for hotels to say now. More so for hotels that are not part of a chain that can afford to say no.

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