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Comment Re:I knew there was a reason I disliked Apple (Score 1) 965

Stagnating their own products? I can think of at least 140K ways to prove you wrong there. Also, on your DRM quip, show me 1 thing the MS or Linux camps have done to convince the media companies to drop DRM. MS is busy pushing their own patent and DRM encumbered WMA/WMV, while Linux has no relationship with any of the media companies. Could Apple do more? Perhaps. However, they were instrumental in getting DRM removed from online music sales and (with a bit of time) maybe the same thing will happen to online video sales. Also, just so you know, Apple provides their compiler and IDE for free on the Mac, and there are zero / zip / no restrictions on what you can build there. In fact OS X offers Perl, Ruby, Python, and Java runtimes as well as the GNU toolchains. Also, if you cough up $100 (1/3 the cost of Visual Studio alone), you can get your own cert to do WHATEVER the hell you want on your iPod / iPhone / iPad and 100 of your closest friends devices. If what you want to do falls within some guidelines, you can go beyond your 100 friends and give that app to 60 million of your closest friends.

Comment Re:Not really (Score 3, Insightful) 756

Ignoring the fact that a netbook isn't a tablet, there's still a great deal of difference between the two beyond the similar price point:

3 lbs
6 hour battery life
8 in x 11.2 in x 1.18 in
No touchscreen
Plastic case with lower coefficient of friction

1.6 lbs
10 hour battery life
7.5 x 9.5 in x 0.5 in
Aluminum case with higher coefficient of friction

The fact that the iPad is half the weight, half the thickness, and has almost 2x the battery life is not something you can easily ignore in a device who's primary goal is to be portable. To setup a litmus test, try to argue that using a netbook to reply to an email while walking through an airport is less awkward than using a touchscreen tablet in the same situation.

Comment Re:The solution.. (Score 5, Funny) 484

You're words are truthy enough, but your assuming that synergistic words like irregardless don't have impacts on english as we know it. The facts is that people will use words like that wether we like it or not. This is truely, the case when it comes to American's use of language. Sadly, theirs very little we, as people far more litterate than the average people, can really do about that. If people used grammer checkers, then you and me would not see so many people authoring bad words and having a negative affect on english as it is known and practised today but should be editted and spokened tomorrow.

Comment Re:Have you looked at the features.. (Score 3, Insightful) 460

Spoken like someone who's obviously never seen, much less used, OS X Server. OS X server is built around standards based enterprise tools like Apache, LDAP, CalDAV, and IMAP. You know, ISP grade stuff like this:

What standards is your Windows Server / gaming platform, based on?

Comment Re:2% difference... big deal. (Score 1) 263

I'd say that the difference is about how many page loads completed and how fast. IE8 is the slowest of all the browsers compared, so if less page loads completed, then it would probably use less power. I can make my battery last far longer if I only load 6 pages a minute as opposed to 10. The fact that the results essentially lists the browsers from slowest to fastest belies that hidden truth.

Comment Re:Quite (Score 2, Interesting) 1055

I see you haven't used NetBeans. XCode isn't bad, it's far better then the MS IDEs. I think my fave is Eclipse, not because it's a great editor, but because the plugin ecosystem is very good. I give XCode props because the code completion and refactoring are some of the best I've come across. However, most "hard" programmers still fall back to the terminal for building / testing.

Comment Re:let me guess (Score 1) 260

You have to twist it a bit and say that you're editing your latest production for Universal Pictures on that MacBook or writing the screenplay for book X on that MacBook. If you data mine the Playboy archives for hottie turn ons, computers, MacBooks included, appear exactly 0 times.

Comment Re:Designing chips (Score 1) 280

Apple makes the best consumer hardware out there, bar none. Screw the OS, you cannot get better hardware from ANY major manufacturer. So take your plastic, 4 hour battery, 2.5" inch thick, 10 pound piece of shit and shove it where the sun don't shine. Leave the serious toys for the big boys and go back to playing WoW while the rest of us work on moving technology forward.

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