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Comment Re:Probably typical (Score 1) 121

I've done this on Twitter (signed up, thought it crap, forgot my password, never returned(as that same account)) at least a dozen times.

Same with Facebook. I have one throwaway facebook account for just about every damn application or website that makes me "log in / sign up using facebook" - and in each case I promptly forget my username and password and never log in again.

I imagine that's more typical than those companies care to admit.

Comment Re:Sales plummeted (Score 3, Interesting) 168

why anybody anywhere would ever invest in proprietary crypto software.

People forced by their customers to buy off of this list (i.e. people who sell to the federal government):


Sure there are a couple F/OSS groups that paid the pretty significant cost to get a certificate. But not that many, especially when it comes to networking products.

Comment Even more than rollback... (Score 1) 199

... you should be able to install whatever version of software you want on your phone.

The *only* think I want from a phone is a safe enough firmware bootloader that if someone installs something that doesn't work on a device, they can un-brick it and replace it with something that works.

That would handle the specific case of "rollbacks" this article want; as well as the more general case of deleting Windows Phone and putting Android on the otherwise nice hardware.

Comment Re:Interesting parallel (Score 1, Insightful) 132

In Japan, MtGox is not liable because bitcoins aren't money (i.e. nothing real was lost).

Couldn't one say the same about most any fiat currency (backed by nothing but the whims of some private company (the Federal Reserve Bank) - not unlike how WoW gold is backed by nothing but the whims of Bilzzard)? And also the same about any currency with lenders that get to do fractional reserve banking (they essentially get to make money on whims by loaning out more than they have)?

Seems Bitcoins aren't that different than Zimbabwe Dollars.

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