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Comment Re:DDOS + Poison Pill (Score 1) 135

tagged the packets

And in case someone thinks that's the hard part, note that tagging the packets is pretty easy. Just send a pattern of large-packet,small-packet,large-packet,small-packet .... ; and look for that pattern.

Just spam the .onion site with tons of that traffic, and look on the relay nodes you control for whichever machine they're sending the most of that pattern.

Comment ZUNE (Score 2) 150

I love how Zune has now become a word for Microsoft screwing a partner.

Microsoft Partners, You Been Zunked

More on that some other day, but the real and perhaps the only story in the news is that Microsoftâ(TM)s partners â" from device makers to music services â" just got double crossed by the company they choose to believe in. I like to call it Zun-ked (a tiny take off on Punked.)

Comment Actually, they're *saving* chicago that much. (Score 1) 398

Whenver a speed camera gives a ticket it sucks money out of a community (sharing with arizona or wherever the company is that runs most of them).

Yet the camera marketing companies keep spinning them as ways to provide money to cities.

In reality, that only works for the rare city where most drivers are from out of town.

Comment Licensing *what* technology and information? (Score 1) 83

I imagine with their surveilance on foreign corporations there's a huge amount of technology the could license.

And imagine how much money they could make licensing insider information of stock markets of enemy countries.

Might even be part of their job descriptions, if their job is to undermine such countries. It probably works better to destablize an enemy's economy than sanctions.

Comment Re:Six Missoins Each (Score 1) 188

It wouldn't suck if they made more profit on less revenue.

Sure it could.

For example, Boeing could take the $4B and spend $5B on R&D having negative profit; while SpaceX could take the $2B and make $1B profit.

But then Boeing's technology will have improved by $5B in R while SpaceX's will have only benefited 1/5th as much

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