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Comment Completely Open Source (Score 2) 276

I'd like to see a completely open search engine that allowed people to download the search indexes freely so that they may create their own in-house appliances for search without the need for going through some proprietary site that may or may not be available in the next ten years or even months.

A site that promises to deliver you your privacy is not enough, because they could really be doing anything. Google promised us our privacy, and changed and deleted their old privacy policies even though they said that they'd always keep all copies of a privacy policy on archive. They went back on the word "never" and have continued to discontinue online services that people have become accustomed to with little to no notice.

A reasonably sized search index that is extensible based on what one is searching for would be great. Localizing URL suggestions, wikipedia caches, and other toolbar-suggestion searches in a networked work environment would all have benefits; the applications are almost endless. Freeing the shackles of search from a few could do so much for innovation, privacy, and security.

Comment Not really out of the ordinary (Score 4, Informative) 95

People that can't be found via their last known address, found by the police, or at a workplace are normally hiding from the law, and can be, with permission from the court, served by things such as notice in the newspaper several times. If they can't be found through friends, relatives, employers, etc, similar tactics have been used in similar cases.

Comment Re: This is silly (Score 3, Interesting) 30

I'm a firefighter, we already have infrared heads up displays. If the smoke is that thick, some windows are going to have to be broken or a hole cut in the roof so that the room can be ventilated. This adds oxygen to the fire, but it allows us to see the fire so that you can put it out. If the room is really really hot, then people don't need to be in there; and at that point you are probably only rescuing a body. Early detection and fast response are a key to controlling a fire.

Comment Re:Yes. It will. (Score 1) 146

The average slashdot reader doesn't watch television or play video games.

Most slashdotters are either engineers, attorneys, or other high-esteemed professionals; usually with their skills transcending other fields.

Your average slashdot commenter has created algorithms that have revolutionized computing, practiced law in the highest of the courts, had their works published in the journals that hold the highest esteem, filed patents only to give them to the world to use, donated large amounts of their wealth to charities, and works out four times a day to satisfy their wife from Maxim Magazine.

There is no need for a slashdot reader to indulge themselves in fantasy video games and television programs when reality is so sweet.

Comment S/MIME called .. it wants it's something something (Score 3, Informative) 222

I switched to S/MIME because of the easy ability to have a third party sign your key, and the recipients recognize it; utilizing a similar web of trust that we use for SSL. Sure it isn't perfect, but it's a good platform. All the major mail clients support it as well. Unless you're really worried about privacy, it's good enough.

However, I feel it's the duty of large corporations that profit from the efforts of men like Werner Koch to hire, retain, and support these people, and allow them to freely continue their research. If not through employment, then through grants.

<joke>I guess he shouldn't have sold all his Radio Shack stock</joke>

Comment Re: Screenshots (Score 2) 378

I hate that now we're left with a bunch of icons that don't match each other, as if they used two or zero user interface guidelines to build this thing.

It's like we have two platforms that were smashed together with a sledgehammer, and they're not able to fully separate them. They should talk to the scientists that unboiled the eggâ¦

They either need to redesign all the icons or revert back to the Windows 7 ones. I could live with Windows with those registry changes, I would hope for Microsoft that those be controlled with toggle switches and not removed.

Comment Betteridge's law (Score 0) 317


Also, you seem to have squandered all of your time at the current company you're at by not engaging in continual professional development to better yourself while working. You've been milking the job you've been working at without taking a real interest in the work you're doing, and without thinking of ways to better yourself or your company; and it appears that you have gotten what you deserved.

Leave Information Systems and change your career, everyone will be better off for it, including you. Go back to watching football, hanging out with your friends, and eating wings on Tuesday nights; the rest of us are working.

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