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Comment people are the problem. (Score 1, Flamebait) 251

And who works for the govt, your average joe fat pack in an office.

Who approves of the laws and pushes them? Your employed cops and lawyers.

Too many people with high qualifications and so called smarts are just "Doing their job" like the S.S. in Germany did.

Time to say, FU boss, quit, or dont even go applying for govt jobs, leaving it empty for foreigners (who came from bad regime govts and are use to oppression, who then go on creating more of it)

Comment WINE , or AINE (Score 1) 167

So if Apple can sim run iOS apps in OSX, why cant they officially, run all iOS apps (w/arm emu) inside OSX, so that I can run full screen iPad apps in OSX, or small iOS apps as desktop widgets.

Dont give me the crap of ohh the iPhone app will look crap full screen, duhhhh , run it in a window thats scalable.

Comment DSLR is great for video fool (Score 1) 201

The DSLR has all the features one would want for a video camera, full control etc... balance.. etc... zoom lens,

Wow, it can take photos, hey dude, do you know what a video is, its nothing more than 30 stills per second in sequence.

Yeah, id rather carry two devices, made by canon, using the same Chipset.

Still camera, video camera, both have SDHC and lots of storage, dont be a dumb stupid ass, and compare it to phsyically carrying a load.

Your comparison is just plain DUMB.

Dude, wait till your phone has the same digichipset as a $400 DSLR. Technology will advance past your old stereo types and NEED to have a 1980s video of a VIDEO CAMERA vs a STILL CAMERA.

There is no reason why both can merge and NEED to.

Comment Re:Ass time (Score 2) 499

all you need is a big pot or pan with fire, cheap gas burners are well.. cheap, or just burn some wood like the old says, are you a cave man? jeez, what poor are we talking about? average walmart workers, or refugees in african camps, which btw do cook.

So who are these noncookers ? Gen Z facebookers? Homeless ? If you are THAT poor, you are probably thin from starvation.

Comment is american like the soviet union? (Score 2) 499

Because dude, sorry, lots of 3rd world countries, ex soviet countries have open markets, with fresh food sellers everywhere.

Who cant get fresh food? People in tip of alaska?

Heres a tip of Mericans, go to your local asian or ethnic food store to get fresh food or snap frozen goodies.

Cant cook? Ask google or youtube.

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