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Comment Re:Mental health workers? (Score 4, Informative) 385

Construction work? Try this...


Do enough of it, and the module construction itself can be automated and robotized. Or seen modern shipbuilding these days? Prefab modules assembled and welded by robots.

And so what if there's still "a lot" (weasel words) of labor around that. There's still less of it, and every decrease cascades into additional hits on labor. See the following piece on the potential impact of robot trucks on the long-haul trucking industry.


Comment Re:Simplistic (Score 4, Informative) 385

"So lawyers and Doctors are safer then anyone else."

Tell that to RocketLawyer. Or to the Robot Anesthesiologist, or to the guy who's inventing an easily implantable lens that could completely take out the eyeglass and contact lens industries. Expert radiologists are routinely outperformed by pattern-recognition software, diagnosticians by simple computer questionnaires. In 2012, Silicon Valley investor Vinod Khosla predicted that algorithms and machines would replace 80% of doctors within a generation.

Comment Re:No. (Score 4, Insightful) 507

Agreed. Too many companies use the Agile "be flexible" rule as a carte blanche, get-out-of-jail free card.

They pick and choose what parts they're going to do, which parts they're going to ignore, and which parts to which they're just going to pay lip service, and call the end result "agile". They don't understand how each part reinforces the other, and as such pick and choose among practices and ceremonies, and tell one another that they're being "flexible".

Failure is usually with implementation, not with Agile.

Comment Re:Agile. (Score 1) 507

" I don't want to spend my time babysitting chat logs just to find out what other people are doing."

So up a dedicated team slack channel where everyone posts their status each morning at 10:00. (Or 9, or whenever.) It's lighter weight than a meeting, faster to parse, records status for management, and you don't need to "babysit" a chat log.

Comment Re:All development methods are flawed (Score 1) 507

And when you begin a large software development effort with 50 other developers???

If you're doing simple single-person projects you can afford to be process-agnostic. But when your long-term project has designers, management, DBA's, iOS and Android and MobileWeb developers, QA teams, and more, you need some form of planning and process.

Letting large teams run around with each developer doing their own thing pretty much is a recipe for disaster, as any number of failed project postmortems would show...

Comment Re:Capitalism (Score 1) 429

Hasn't it ever struck you as funny that every single one of the politico's who've been telling people to forgo higher education and who continually warn us against the dangers of "liberal" colleges all have their own advanced degrees?

Marco Rubio graduated from the University of Florida and University of Miami Law School. Jeb Bush? University of Texas. Rand Paul? Baylor and Duke. Tom Cotton attended Harvard and Harvard Law, and Ted Cruz hails from Princeton and Harvard.

But you and me? Nah. Can't have us common folk gettin' edumacated. Might start getting funny ideas. Nah, best leave the thinkin' to our betters...

Comment Re:so what? (Score 1) 553

"Somehow, people around 45 years old (and females especially) REALLY lose their ability to problem solve or learn concepts."

I've been writing software for over four decades now. And since I'm currently building iOS apps using Objective-C and Swift on top of a noSQ backend, I'm a bit disappointed by someone who says us old folk people can't learn new concepts. In fact, it's pretty much a massive overgeneralization, on the order of someone my age saying that young people lack decent work ethics, perspective, initiative and that they spend way, way too much time chatting on Kik.

(Okay, the later is probably true.)

At any rate, about a little less overgeneralization, and perhaps spending a little more time judging individuals as individuals, based on their respective strengths and weaknesses?

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