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Comment Re:Amazon's real skill: hooking the media... (Score 2, Insightful) 314

"The same reasoning or lack thereof applies to the Kindle (which I don't like [] for its DRM and other problems), since Amazon won't release sales numbers for it. "

The title of your blog is "Product Review: Kindle" but did you actually receive and review a kindle, or are you just pointing out the reasons you wouldn't like a kindle? Nowhere in your "review" do I see mention of you actually having and using the Kindle. I just see an argument as to why you don't like it (or I guess more accurately why you don't like the idea of the Kindle) and why you don't think it will succeed. I don't own one myself, but I don't know that I see a review from the posted link in your comment either.


Comment Re:Online is the only way to shop these days (Score 2, Insightful) 314

"The big-box retailers taking over all the specialty shops across the US are actually reducing the diversity of goods available locally (the ACE hardware actually has more depth than Lowes in many areas for example)..."

While I agree in spirit with the post, and also agree that if you don't live in a major metro area, you are limited to the stock on hand of big box retailers, I call BS on the above statement about ACE. Show me some evidence, somewhere, that any ACE hardware has greater diversity in either different products or different brands of the same product than a Lowes. Forget about *many* areas. I'll settle for one ACE hardware, anywhere, that has more different products than even the smallest Lowes. That just can't be true as even "Great ACEs"(if they have them anymore) are dwarfed in size as compared to Lowes (or Home Depot for that matter).

I'm no fan of big box retailers, and I do miss the mom-and-pop specialty retailers. But the example of ACE compared to Lowes I don't believe. Lowes and Home Depot are huge improvements over Ace and True Value as far as product availability and diversity goes.



Submission + - Google My Map

sas-dot writes: Computer world reports Google has created a tool to let non-technical users create Google Maps mashups, extending this capability beyond the realm of software developers. The feature, called My Maps, is designed to let users who don't have formal programming knowledge to create, annotate and publish online maps on the Google Maps platform. My Maps aims to provide to non-technical users some of the mashup capabilities that have been available for several years to developers via application programming interfaces (API), which require programming knowledge to use.
Another blockbuster from Google?
Red Hat Software

Submission + - RHEL5 Released

An anonymous reader writes: Red Hat's new operating system's modular design answers critics of "bloated" operating systems, says Red Hat executive

Submission + - Kuiper Belt Collision Found; Possible Comet Source

siglercm writes: Astronomers have detected the remnants of an ancient collision in the Kuiper Belt, the region of bodies found outside of our solar system. The massive impact between a nearly Pluto-sized body and one half as large created a "collisional family" of objects; this is the first such family identified in the Kuiper Belt. The largest body produced may cross Neptune's orbit in the distant future, but it's possible that smaller objects created by the smash-up have already fallen into the inner solar system as comets.
United States

Submission + - Stolen Nobel Medal Returned

Gilraen writes: A Nobel medal swiped from the University of California, Berkeley, was returned to officials in a brief ceremony on 7 March. The solid gold medallion, awarded to physicist Ernest Lawrence in 1939 for the invention of the cyclotron, was stolen from its display case at the end of February. It has an estimated monetary value of $4,200. More on this story here: ll/446243a.html

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