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Comment Re:Does this law protect puppies? (Score 1) 1168

Yes, the law be equitable only in this situation:
    You are a prostitute, and are heterosexual. Somebody wishes to engage your services. You say no, because you don't swing that way...

Otherwise, frankly, what happens in my or anyone else's bedroom is NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS, because it doesn't involve you. Also, if your religion regards their relationship as a sin, I suggest you stop eating shellfish, working on a Sunday, and any gazillion things that are all old testament and have nothing to do with being "Christian" (the religion that supposedly follows a guy who basically preached love and acceptance, ya know).

Comment If they're worried about privacy (Score 1) 447

How about, rather than an always-on camera, one that can be activated by certain flight crew members in the event of an emergency. It might not help if terrorists have already seized a plane, etc, but if somebody catches on before everyone is taken down then at least there will be a visual record of what happened.

Comment Re:Economy (Score 1) 198

You'd think that was true - and it was for awhile - but it isn't now. Many of the eTailers in Canada have pricing that's pretty close to the box stores when you consider shipping, but then you're getting an item that's sight-unseen and the hassle of possible returns. U.S. eTailers had better prices, but international shipping, - as well as the bend-me-over brokerage fees that UPS/Fed-Ex charge - dramatically raises the price of any cross-border online shopping. With the Canadian dollar in the shitter, that extra %20 makes it even worse.

So, unless you're ordering something from China (that you're willing to wait longer for, though pay much less for many things), there's no bargain there.

Where Future Shop f**ked up was the have box locations but stock-wise they're pretty much an online-store. Their video selection locally was pitiful, and everything was "if you'd like, you can order online and have it shipped." That does save you the shipping, but levels the playing field for Amazon-et-al dramatically in terms of wait-time etc
I tried them for some computer stuff, and even online their selection was pretty bad. I mean, if you're going to have an online store... why not increase your selection a bit?!

Comment Re:Big deal, yes (Score 1) 113

Yes, but that still doesn't cover a lot of places.
Here: City of 100k, 400km (248mi) from the nearest 1,000,000+ city,
My house: 8km (~5mi) from city center
Bus service: 7:00am->9:00pm hourly. Weekend service ends sooner. Some holidays with no service. Uptown (where much of the shopping is) requires a transfer in town.

Hardly a McMansion, and not far from city center, but also no way to get by without a car when you work late/early hours, are on-call, and/or don't otherwise want to walk through thick snow in the winter.

There *IS* a corner-store in my neighbourhood. If I just need a loaf of bread and some tomatoes I happily get some exercise and walk... but for anything more than that - frankly - you need a car.

(yes, it would be nice to have better bus service, but no luck with that thus far, and sometimes we're lucky if they clear our streets properly during a heavy snow let alone bike lanes).

Even in bigger cities, weather is sometimes restrictive for travelling by vehicle, let alone by bike or on foot. Further east you're lucky if you can get out of your house in some places.

Comment And on slashdot as well (Score 5, Interesting) 269

Yeah, this happens on Slash too, so apparently the Chinese astroturfing squad seems to lurk here as well. For example, in regards to cheating exams:

You have this guy mentioning that cheating test scores is also a big problem in China, followed by some more detailed posts as to why.

Then you have a response by an AC who basically says "oh it's just Westerners trying to make China look bad. We don't do that anymore! Look, I'm in the US now so I'm believable. Despite posting AC and having stereotypical Chinese grammatical mistakes common to non-landed Chinese astroturfers, modded +1

I point out that the previous response is an obvious astroturfer (aforementioned grammatical errors etc), and am modded down twice rather readily. But seriously, read the astroturfer's post out with a bad accent and it will sound like a Chinese villain from an old movie. The linguistic keys make it pretty clear the guy isn't somebody who's been living in the west for any length of time.

For the record, I have plenty of Chinese friends etc whom I've worked on language skills with. Missing pronouns is usually a fairly basic thing that gets fixed earlier on, as is the use of infinite verbs ("keep to spread" instead of "spreading"). So unless the poster had been living in Chinatown for the last few years, one would expect those language'isms to have cleared up by now.

Also, "flied lice", though attributed to a Chinese restaurateur in Lethal Weapon and added for humour, would be more of a Japanese/Korean language issue as they lack distinct "L" and "R" sounds in their language (or rather, "L" and "R" exist as single character/sound). Chinese don't really seem to have issues with consonant swaps in English.

Comment Re:How's that work in the rain? (Score 1) 536

Where I used to live: fog, rain, and snow were fairly prevalent. However, of the more common internet access solutions was long-shot wireless bounced off a transceiver on the local mountain. Heck, the local school district used it for a number of their schools, and it was surprisingly reliable and fast.

(we're not talking pringles-can wireless with a Linksys router, but rather the type that requires a mast on the top of the building).

Comment True (Score 1) 536

I've noticed this locally as well. There's a chain called Loblaws in Canada which runs stores such as Superstore, Extra Foods, etc.
There's essentially the same thing, except that Superstore is usually a bit bigger, and in the higher-end neighbourhoods. Extra Foods are in the slightly lower-income areas, but for common items actually seem to have have *less* sales than Superstore.

Comment Big deal, yes (Score 1) 113

Yes, that works great in places where
a) Public transit service is good (and actually operates during your working hours or when you're planning to travel)
b) The destination is located near enough to home to allow for walking
c) Ditto [b] for biking, and isn't too steep
d) You live somewhere without winter, otherwise scratch (b) and (c) once it snows.

Around here, if you don't have a vehicle, you've got a 3rd-class lifestyle. Grocery trips take multiple transfers and over an hour travel instead of 10 minutes (and try carrying a dozen bags of groceries on the bus). You can't take your dog to the vet because no pets on transit. And a foot or more of snow in the winter isn't very conducive to walking, let alone biking.

Comment Maybe you have a bad hiring department? (Score 1) 264

I looked at some of the applicants that we've had come in. There are many for India, and we've definitely had many that were under-qualified compared to their paper. However, a good mix of my current co-workers are also (originally, immigrated and now PR) from India, and they're generally as good or better than their paper credentials.
Why? Because my bosses actually have decent interviewing skills, and picked candidates with actual skills in something other than B.S., rather than just looking for somebody cheap. From what I've seen, a lot places where the poor workers are endemic seems to be:

a) The hiring process sucks and/or is done almost entirely through 3rd-party recruiting companies who are basically contractor-mills. In some cases the hiring manager is good, but never sees the good/skilled candidates because they lack the correct buzzwords on their resume

b) The pay is sub-par, and all you're getting is people who are desperate or are unqualified. For the former, once they've settled they'll move on. For the latter, well you've seen what happens.

If we dumped a bunch of the 3rd-party recruiting parasites, that might be a good start at improving things. I actually got my job through a recruiter once: a 3mo contract which I said I'd only take if there was a chance for permanence, and then they tried to tack on conditions that I couldn't *TAKE* a permanent permission without their permission (paying a placement fee). I argued with them until they removed that clause, but apparently they put it on the employer instead (cannot hire without paying a recruiting fee). Thankfully my employer liked me enough to pony up. Afterwards, the same recruiter called me about 6mo later with "hey, are you happy at $X, we've got a position at $Y which would be great for you!"

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