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Comment Re:Don't blame others for user error. (Score 1) 394

I also have size 13 winter boots. I've drove many brands and many models of cars, and since winter last a while around here, I've done so with those winter boots. In most of the cars, I am always touching the brake pedal when pressing the gaz. We learn to be very cautious at all times; in his blog you can clearly see the wide brake pedal that might not be so far from the gaz but you know what, you can move your feet much more to the left without problems.

Most of the issue with large boots is actually slowing down when you intended to speed up, not the reverse! He clearly failed at it...

Oh well, the issue on my side at this time is not having a tesla :) At least he got that right!

Comment Re:So (Score 2) 373

From TFA, they send themselves MD5 hash of the websites people have visited. Knowing that, I believe that they are using your DNS history signature to compare between players that are cheating. I don't see why they would ban people they aren't sure are cheating, as they certainly don't want to be hit by PR nightmare when people would get banned for no reason. The rare false positive they get at this time is already hard on them, and they go great way (well, large amount of steam credits happen) to make those people happy when errors really do happen.

I have looked at websites offering hacks myself, and that was mostly to know what I was against; I don't want to ragequit out of a game when the players are really good, but I certainly don't want to provide free kills to cheaters. Being able to recognize the difference is important, and knowing their arsenal helps a lot in that department.

Oh well, I've not been playing competitive steam games in a while anyway.

Comment Re:The web needs a good layout engine (Score 1) 249

The number of regions will not adapt to keep the design mantra behind; if I want my columns to have around 40 characters each, and the number of columns in a region to automatically be adjusted to best match the display width, I will have to manually manage this (or use one of the other solutions, but not it`s not directly css region)

Comment Re:Good news !! GCHQ couldnt crack the password (Score 3, Interesting) 374

What makes you think they hadn't it all cracked, but just wanted to have him spend more time in jail while they prepare the other stuff they will hit him with ? What if he really had forgotten the password ? Beside he had already given them; why would not they have tried all other passwords they had received ?

Comment Re:The best bike helmets (Score 1) 317

Waiting at a red light in the bicycle line is usually seen as common sense rather than going straight through. Still, there are drivers who aren't looking in front of them (texting? getting something off the floor ? looking at that chick in the car next to them which lane was empty ?) and when they notice that previous drivers stopped at the red light they swirve toward (one of) the side.

I would have a hard time blaming my aunt which suffered such an accident; if it wasn't for her helmet she would not have made it through, and she barely did. Broken legs and arms and bruises all over her (truck climbed onto her). There's a limit to the potential errors that you have to take into account, else you'd have to go live quite far because of all the potentials of errors by others. Don't drink water you haven't purified yourself, don't eat any food you haven't fully prepared yourself (unsafe meat!!), and most of all stay away from any aircraft flight plan, it could crash on you!

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