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Comment Exactly (Score 1) 511

As you said, they use Java.

You don't really have any citations for anything you said. But I doubt they did huge amounts of refactoring in three months and then stayed with their new solution even after they found out the language wasn't the problem.

"Over time, they wrote more and more parts in other languages, which is natural because they're big and they want each piece to be optimized."

Exactly. I didn't say Java was one language to rule over all. I said it has it's place and companies such as Twitter and Google agree.

Comment Debating "cool" is for teenagers (Score 1) 511

What the fuck is this? Is it "cool"? Cool not a term that has a sharp definition, so it's kind of pointless to talk about what is cool. I think A is cool, you think B is cool, that's the end of it.

Java highly used. It solves problems that people want to solve and some people would even say are interesting to solve.

About ten years ago Java 5 came out making it a little more modern and relevant. Then it stalled. However, Oracle has picked up the momentum and it is releasing new versions again. It now supports Lambas and it is expected to have new versions with new features being added every couple of years. I believe that if Oracle keeps releasing new things it won't be relegated to being the language of legacy code. Eventually when there is too much cruft, Scala or something else will start to take over. But that could take a very long time. Look at C++. It's still going strong.

Comment Because there is much need at the middle ground (Score 2) 511

Yes, the middle ground has some disadvantages of both extremes, but it has some of the advantages to both.

C++ maps to hardware well. An enterprise web solution, doesn't need that. It should have automatic memory management. The scripting languages are not strongly typed. That makes the code a little less maintainable and a little slower.

When Twitter used RoR, it was a nightmare. It just wasn't performant enough. When they went to Scala things got a lot better.

Would Twitter ever want to use C++? I doubt it. They are probably a bit hardware agnostic and they don't want to deal with the classes of bugs that C++ has.

Comment Re:Why can't hydrogen cool? (Score 1) 55

The article doesn't say they couldn't cool in the conditions of the early universe, it says such a cloud could never cool.

I'm not a chemist, but I would guess it's because the electrons cannot fall to a lower energy state, which converts heat to radiation. Since the heat is not radiated, it stays heat inside the cloud.

Or the article gets the details wrong...

Comment Why? It's not always necessary (Score 1) 148

If it 's just an info site or something and you don't submit any confidential information, why do you need https? If I own a pizza shop, my website is all get requests, and I'm not worried about third parties seeing what's on my menu, why should I have to buy an SSL certificate? This seems like overkill to me.

Comment Very typical of them (Score 4, Interesting) 401

They've done this to me. They interurpt you, they refuse to let you speak until you scream. They just keep talking. They make excuses, they contradict themselves. They are just unbelievable.

This recording is a great example of how Comcast representives are trained to talk you. Obviously, a monopolist can just abuse you and treat you any way they want.

Comment Just read it as a list of really good programmers! (Score 1) 285

This is one of those times that Slashdot nerds drive me nuts. There could be a lot of interesting discussion about the great things Knuth has done or some of the funny methods Carmack has written. But no, it's lame comment, after lame comment, "Oh my God, this can't really be the 14 best because X isn't on the List!" "I don't think Y is on of the 14 best programmer!"

So Slashdot nerds, do me a huge fucking favor. Just imagine the headline said, "Here is a list of 14 notable and arguably very talented programmers." I know these are not literally the 14 best programmers. No can actually compile such a list. You are supposed to understand that and not whine about it not literally being true.

Comment Google Web Programming Language Engineer: ... (Score 1) 309

So a guy who makes an alternative language for web programming thinks we need options! OMFG!

Let's remember, we had options; they died. People bitch about JavaScript, but it was so dominant that it killed VBScript, Applets, ActiveX, JavaFX, and now it has Flash on the ropes. As "horrible" JavaScript is, it is the best. And having one language is nice because it keeps everything compatible.

Comment Not really (Score 1) 162

"NoSQL" is a pretty bad name actually. They should be called non-relational databases. In many cases you can use SQL or something like SQL on them.

People never use NoSQL to get away from the SQL language (although I don't like SQL at all). They use it to change the trade-offs in ACID complacence and to not have to keep their data completely relational.

Comment This will be mankinds greatest mark on the world (Score 4, Interesting) 85

In a hundred years, there will be nothing but abandoned cities under flood waters. Humans and many other animals will be dead. But there will be some bacteria with this extra base pair.

In a hundred million years, there will be no other evidence we were even here. Perhaps a future intelligent species will look back and wonder why some bacteria has more DNA than other life. They will make many interesting theories. Some will theorize that a previous intelligent species created the third base pair. And those that do will be called crackpots.

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