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Comment Most of it is marketable (Score 1) 703

Almost anything at community college is general education or applied trade skill. In community college you can get a lot of good degrees in medical technician things and such. Aside from that its all, math, English, etc. I doubt you can take a single class in being a community organizer at any community college in the US.

Comment Most personel don't recieve much combat training (Score 1) 223

Most people in the military have some sort of job and they receive training for that. They don't spend much time learning to be a commando.

Are you talking about boot camp? Bootcamp doesn't really teach you about combat. It's more of a series of complex choreographies that you have to learn. The purpose of this mostly has to do with indoctrination and brainwashing. The military certainly isn't going to loosen its brainwashing requirements on cyberwarriors.

Comment Bah (Score 1) 194

It's trying to abstract away things like the database and the separation between client and server side. Every attempt to abstract away real things that I have seen has been crap. When you abstract away the HTML and the SQL and the AJAX, it means you can't dig into it for the nitty-gritty. If they finally got it right, congrats, but I doubt they have.

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