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Comment Re:Especially since NASA... (Score 3, Informative) 200

Remember a little thing called the Challenger Disaster?


"Thiokol engineers argued that if the O-rings were colder than 53 F (12 C), they did not have enough data to determine whether the joint would seal properly. This was an important consideration, since the SRB O-rings had been designated as a "Criticality 1" component—meaning that there was no backup if both the primary and secondary O-rings failed, and their failure would destroy the Orbiter and its crew."

New MacBook Case Leak Rumors 243

Someone noted that there are more macbook case leaks which look to all but confirm a new MacBook and possibly a MacBook Pro expected to be announced for later this week. There seem to be fewer ports, and no leaks of a 17" aircraft carrier laptop.

Comment Re:Reward for Open Source? (Score 1) 520

Nice answer, but wrong question. The OP wasn't asking why OSS is good, they were asking why someone would want to create something that they probably will never make any money from.

And you missed the point of his post. His answer to the question is that OSS is often about itch scratching. If a programmer wants a software product which would never be sold commercially, the only choice is to create it himself. People do this with physical objects all the time. Have you never built something because no one makes what you want? Or did everything in your home come from Walmart?

Journal Journal: iPod is Apple's golden ticket.

With Real pleading with Apple for a partnership, the wisdom of Apple's plans with the iPod and iTMS once again is in the spotlight.

I believe Steve has a plan. As I said in an earlier entry, Apple can own the digital music market.

United States

Journal Journal: Osama Bin Laden hates freedom?

From this translation on

"Stop shedding our blood in order to protect your own blood. The solution to this easy-difficult equation is in your own hands. You should know that the longer you delay, the worse the situation will become, and when that happens, do not blame us, blame yourselves...


Journal Journal: Doing real work on a mac?

MS Office has always been available for the mac and MacOSX can work with Windows fileshares.

So if your "real work" relies on Office and SMB, you should be able to get your "real work" done on a mac. This article shows that this is not always the case.

Now, his home SMB problems could be resolved by simply typing smb:// followed by his PC's IP address in the Connect to server dialog.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Transtopia & Other Related Rants...

I hate everyone else for lots of reasons. Most of all because nearly everyone is an idiot. Those who are not just have other significant flaws instead.

Take the case of Transtopia. I took their little quiz and found that I support nearly all of their positions at least in principle if not in practice. But I can't support them.


Journal Journal: iTunes & iPod vs. The Wannabes

Lately everyone has been talking about this.

"Apple should add WMP support to the iPod & iTunes."

"Apple should license iTunes to other players."

"Apple should license fairplay to other manufacturers."

It goes on and on... What do I think Apple should do? I think they should continue doing what they have been.


Journal Journal: Time to kick Microsoft in the balls.

This /. post says it all.

Governments can't keep MS down. All this antitrust crap that's been going on for years only seems to make Microsoft stronger. The time has come to kick Microsoft in the balls.


Journal Journal: Marshall Brain: Go to Mars without your body!

Marshall's at it again. This time his idea is really out there. He suggests that we sould send astronauts to mars without their bodies! Would you be willing to literally kiss your ass goodbye for a trip to Mars?

This would greatly change the physical requirements to become an astronaut as only the health of the brain would matter.

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