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Comment Garmin & TomTom already set (Score 1) 76

They charge $600 for that GPS system in the car and I'm sure Garmin, Tom Tom, Magellan, & Nokia are lobbying to keep their turf safe.

Garmin & TomTom already make (expensive) navigation apps, so they really shouldn't care about the revenue source changing.

It's the car makers that get most of the cash from those way expensive in-car GPS systems (which are invariably horrible compared to the most modest GPS app).

Comment Wrong Message (Score 1) 391

Releasing the hostages for any amount of money would at the very least decry to the world that America loves and honors life

What good is helping one to hurt thousands. That is not valuing life at all.

It says exactly the opposite, that America cares so little for anyone's life that they are willing to encourage more kidnappings.

The true way to value a life is to say its worth is without measure, so you cannot demand money for it.

Comment The Inability To Understand Point Stupidity (Score 3, Insightful) 465

The people using the word "denialists" are not scientists. That's the point, once you go there you have stopped using science and have firmly planted both feet into the realm of "religion". Even if you started with Science...

I, like all rational people, respect science and scientists when they remain dedicated to the pursuit of truth, even to the point they can admit a theory was incorrect.

But many of your alarmists have not watched Frozen enough to get the message. Let It Go.

Comment Re:And there you are (Score 2, Insightful) 465

You know what is even more similar to what religions do? Using a term like "heretics" - only your variant is called "denialists". Yes, religions have been using that trick for hundreds of years to escape questions.

Another way you can tell you are part of a cult is when your high priests are telling you to sacrifice something while they live in comfort and plenty.

I guess really though, we should say what you are involved in it far closer to scientology, with adjusted core sample data replacing e-meters...

Comment Re:Atmosphere affects about a few inches of surfac (Score 3, Insightful) 465

haha just like my stovetop burner only affects the temperature of a few millimeters of water on the bottom of the pot

That is far more an example of the effect the sun has on the water than the atmosphere.

If you go into a shallow lake is it the same as ambient air temperature...

Put a few miles of water above your pot and see how far it gets when you turn on the heat below..

Comment Case in point (Score 3, Insightful) 465

I have no killfile because I believe in hearing what other people think.

Like all denialists you cover your ears and go LA LA LA when confronted with heresy to your chosen brands of religion.

It's sad really, that an otherwise intelligent individual can let himself go in a kind of self-imposed Alzheimer's.

Comment And there you are (Score 4, Insightful) 465

The real denialists are, and always have been, the ones who think science is never to be questioned.

You are more the zealot than anyone who ever came out of Bob Roberts U.

It will be nice a decade or two hence when it is undeniable just how far you have allowed yourself to be duped (well actually it is the case now, but even you will admit it in 20 years).

Comment Atmosphere affects about a few inches of surface (Score 2) 465

At least they have provided us with a nice visual demonstrating the relationship between the ocean and the atmosphere.

Why is it nice to be misled?

In reality the atmosphere affects the temperature of a few inches of water on top of the ocean.

Far vaster of an impact is solar energy input.

Comment Re:Question of Reliability (Score 1) 276

Sure, but the big difference is with Uber someone else is taking car of the car, with Car2Go no-one is, with an expanded version that includes trucks you are just inviting heavy abuse of product.

I use some city rental bike systems, those are usually heavy duty bikes. Even they suffer significant damage at times from abusive users.

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