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Comment Well. (Score 1) 253

While I think the basic premise is a little silly, I imagine a $200 fanless laptop is powerful enough to run Plex (I run Plex Server off an old Mac Mini, and never have had any problems).

Depending how much space you need, get a solid-state SSD or even SD card, put some kind of basic protection about it (a cheap laptop bag?) and throw it in your crawlspace.

My Plex server runs fine over wifi (with the router right next to it), but I still have it connected to Ethernet. I imagine that could be a problem with higher bitrate movies.

Comment Re:This Song? There's Nothing Tricky About It (Score 1) 386

I want to interject that "My Sweet Lord" and "He's So Fine" are the EXACT SAME FUCKING SONG. Same melody, structure, and everything. Basically a cover, except you take out the cool girl group singing "sha la la" and add in some Hare Krishnas singing the Hare Krishna mantra.

Comment Re:Well... are we surprised? (Score 2) 156

If this had been made in Brazil, Chinese companies would still have copied the basic design. You can also get fake rolexes in China, and those are made in Switzerland (according to 3 seconds of Googling).

They didn't use the same factory, so the country of the original is a basically irrelevant point.

Comment If I can make it here I can make it anywhere... (Score 3, Insightful) 734

For all the hate the US gets on Slashdot, it's still the country of record. It's hitting the big time. Top finance jobs are centered in the US. Top technology jobs are centered in the US. The movie and TV industries are largest in the US. 9 of the world's 10 best universities are in the US. Sure, such jobs are available in Nigeria, but the best most and the most talented tend to work in the US, and you're limiting your kid's future by not allowing it.

I know so, so, so many Chinese people (both PRC and Taiwan, Malaysia, etc.) killing themselves to get their kids in the US because it has the best school and the top jobs. Not to mention, my wife's parents, several of my best friend's parents, etc. NOT doing it, when it would be easy to fill out paperwork, just seems like irresponsible parenting.

Comment It does, but not the point (Score 0) 255

It is protected by copyright, and calling it satire is obviously bullshit.

Usually companies let fan-works slide, and as long as your fan-film or fan-fiction or geeky video is just done for fun, why shouldn't the company allow it? It's just building good will and it's a super-fan only thing that doesn't really change what most people think of the brand. They still have legal rights to disallow it, but they choose not to.

This video, with recognizable stars and lots of money put into it and professional purposes (it seems to be a kind of work to put on the director's resume) went too far. I'm not at all surprised they aren't happy with it, and legally and ethically they have every right to get it off of the youtubes.

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