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Submission + - Netflix abandons plans to separate services (yahoo.com)

s.d. writes: Abandoning a break-up plan it announced last month, Netflix said Monday morning that it had decided to keep its DVD-by-mail and online streaming services together under one name and one Web site. "We underestimated the appeal of the single web site and a single service," Steve Swasey, a Netflix spokesman, said in a telephone interview. He quickly added: "We greatly underestimated it." Mr. Swasey said that the Netflix chief executive Reed Hastings declined an interview request. But in a statement, Mr. Hastings said, "Consumers value the simplicity Netflix has always offered and we respect that. There is a difference between moving quickly — which Netflix has done very well for years — and moving too fast, which is what we did in this case."

Submission + - Google+ loses 60% of active users (theinquirer.net) 2

tech4 writes: Despite users curiosity around Google+, it seems like most Google+ users just wanted to see the platform and then returned to Facebook. 'Google has lost over 60 per cent of its active users on its social network Google+, according to a report by Chitika Insights, raising questions about how well it is doing against its rival, Facebook. Despite the clear interest in an alternative to Facebook, it does not appear that the people joining are staying around and actively using the web site. Google's problem is not getting users in the first place, it seems, but rather keeping them after they have arrived. For now it appears that a lot of users are merely curious about Google+, but return to the tried and tested format of Facebook when the lustre fades. The problem is that Facebook is not going to rest on its laurels while Google attempts to get the advantage. Already it has added features inspired by Google+, particularly in terms of improving the transparency of its privacy options.'

Submission + - Netflix changes course yet again (washingtonpost.com)

gclef writes: Netflix has apparently decided that spinning off their DVD business into a separate organization was a bad idea after all, and is killing off the "Qwikster" concept.

Ask Slashdot: Do I Give IT a Login On Our Dept. Server? 1307

jddorian writes "I am head of a clinical division at an academic hospital (not Radiology, but similarly tech oriented). My fellow faculty (a dozen or so) want to switch from a paper calendar to electronic (night and weekend on-call schedule). Most have an iPhone or similar, so I envisaged a CalDAV server. The Hospital IT department doesn't offer any iPhone compatible calendar tool, so I bought (with my cash) a tiny server, installed BSD and OpenLDAP for accounts, and installed and configured DAViCal. After I tested it out, I emailed IT to ask to allow port 8443 through the hospital firewall to this server. The tech (after asking what port 8443 was for), said he would unblock the port after I provide him with a login account on the machine (though 'I don't need root access'). I was taken aback, and after considering it, I am still leaning toward opposing this request, possibly taking this up the chain. I'm happy to allow any scan, to ensure it has no security issues, but I'd rather not let anyone else have a login account. What do the readers of Slashdot think? Should I give IT a login account on a server that is not owned or managed by them?"

William Shatner Wakes Up Crew for Final Discovery Mission Screenshot-sm 185

The Space Shuttle Discovery left the International Space Station this morning for the last time. To commemorate the ship's accomplishments over 27 years of service, the crew was greeted to a morning wake-up message from Capt. Kirk. "Space, the final frontier," Shatner said in a prerecorded message. "These have been the voyages of the space shuttle Discovery. Her 30-year mission: to seek out new science, to build new outposts, to bring nations together on the final frontier, to boldly go and do what no spacecraft has done before."

Comment Re:Keep up or shut up (Score 1) 785

Instead of paying a fresh college grad more, why not send the senior developer to training? Oh, that's right, companies HATE paying for training. They would rather pay someone an undeserved exorbitant salary and then discard them when their knowledge is out of date. I think it's the same reason they want to hire upper level people from outside the company rather than promote from within. They know what they already have, but they hope this knew person is better!
The Internet

Submission + - UK ISPs Granted Judicial Review of Anti-Piracy Act (ispreview.co.uk) 1

Mark.JUK writes: Two of the United Kingdom's largest internet service providers (ISP), BT and TalkTalk, which account for approximately 10 Million of the country's broadband users, have today won a critical Judicial Review of the controversially rushed UK Digital Economy Act 2010 (DEA). The Act seeks to identify those "suspected" of unlawful ("illegal") copyright P2P File Sharing to Rights Holders for legal action and could lead to the blocking of legitimate websites, connection speed restrictions, limits on public/open Wi-Fi usage or even account disconnection from your ISP.

However under UK law a Judicial Review is no guarantee that any changes will be made. It would force a significant part of the act back for debate and amendment, though this could just as easily make the situation worse instead of better because many of those who voted in favour are still present. The court agreed that the act had not be given enough debate.


Submission + - Whales get sunburns too (sciencemag.org)

sciencehabit writes: In these ozone-depleted times, most of us reach for a T-shirt or a bottle of sunscreen to protect us from the sun's ultraviolet radiation. Whales don't have those luxuries—and they're paying the price. Researchers have found numerous cases of sunburned and blistered skin on whales in the wild, sparking concern that the thinned ozone layer may be causing skin cancer in these animals.

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