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Comment Re:The problem with SOPA in 10 words or less (Score 4, Insightful) 1002

No. SOPA and PIPA authorize the Department of Justice to issue court orders. There is no hearing until after the orders have been executed, and no recourse until the entire website is already removed from the internet. The process is entirely administrative - the first notice a site owner receives is the letter they get after their site is gone.

So, unless you're lucky, you're now fighting a big media company in Federal Court with your source of funds (your website) shut down. This isn't tenable for the vast majority of site owners.

Submission + - AdSurfDaily Ponzi Scheme Payback Begins (itworld.com)

itwbennett writes: "Good news if you were one of the 8,400 people taken in by the AdSurfDaily Ponzi scheme: The DOJ and Secret Service have begun to return $55 million in forfeited funds. AdSurfDaily founder Thomas "Andy" Bowdoin Jr. is facing five counts of wire fraud, one count of securities fraud, and one count of unlawful sale of unregistered securities."

Submission + - Does Famous Exoplanet 'Fomalhaut b' Really Exist? (discovery.com)

astroengine writes: "The first exoplanet ever to be directly imaged by the Hubble space telescope may not exist. In 2008, the world was in awe of the famous "Eye of Sauron" image of the star Fomalhaut's dusty ring — plus a slowly moving object that was identified as Fomalhaut b, a gas giant world approximately 3-times the mass of Jupiter. However, due to a strange orbital misstep detected between 2008 and 2009 photographs, the validity of Fomalhaut b's detection is being questioned, generating some controversy in the exoplanet community."

Submission + - Mysql.com Hacked, Serving Malware (net-security.org) 1

Orome1 writes: Mysql.com has been hacked and is currently serving malware. Armorize has detected the compromise through its website malware monitoring platform HackAlert, and has analyzed how the compromise of the site's visitors unfolds. The mysql.com website is injected with a script that generates an iFrame that redirects the visitors to a page where the BlackHole exploit pack is hosted.

Comment Re:Does Nasa have any plan to have 1 more shuttle (Score 1) 62

Even if it could fly, all the shuttle could do would be to swap the 6 people up there for 6 different people. The issue is that the soyuz spacecraft already at the station have to come back to earth in October and November, as they cannot stay in orbit for more than 6 months without failing. Without new soyuz to replace the old, there would be no way for astronauts to escape back to earth - and, therefore, no astronauts.

Comment I've absolutely done this. (Score 1) 160

Speed dial #2 on my cell goes to my office phone - makes checking voicemail easy. And when the guy in the next office comes over to tell me about some damn facebook game he's playing now, I can fidget with my phone, hold down the number 2, and boom - my phone rings. "Oh sorry man, I need to get that."

Of course, if he ever notices that it's always the same number...

And as a bonus, I change the name from "Work" to "Santa" during christmastime. Scares the hell out of a kid throwing a tantrum when I threaten them with a long distance call to the North Pole.
The Internet

Submission + - 7 Days In Email Hell (itworld.com)

jfruhlinger writes: "If you first went on line in the '90s, you probably remember a time when every e-mail you received was exciting, or at least relevant, and was worthy of your personal attention. One brave writer decided to take that approach to his present-day overflowing inbox. He read every email he received and deal with them all, either by replying, filing, or unsubscribing. He even scanned his spam filter for false positives. It was a lot harder than he though it would be."

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