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Comment Re:What do you mean by 2030? (Score 1) 219

Which delusional place are you from? Unless you meant "better" than China which is a different story, the following countries have
a higher standard of living than the USA:

- France
- Switzerland
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Netherlands
- Norway
- Luxembourg

A couple of those might be debatable and one can bring the population/area into the equation but if you want to go superlative, you better do your homework

Comment Composers here. (Score 1) 722

I name them after musical composers. Usually I start off with short names: Bach, Strauss, Mozart, Chopin before moving onto the longer names. This is usually for my own servers / private networks. If the machines are public facing, they usually follow a naming convention depending on the place (server number + role of the server + physical location usually is it).

Comment Re:Why upgrade? (Score 1) 266

Been on LTS releases since 6.06 for my work desktops. Run Debian on my test/server boxes though. I try out the non-LTS releases on my laptop but not too often. Even then with LTS, I have to use PPA repos since Ubuntu repos take forever to update :\

Comment Re:Deal still subject to regulatory approval (Score 3, Informative) 748

I am in the same boat as you are. I was an AT&T customer for 6.5 years and then switched to Tmobile after a huge F'up by AT&T (should've taken them to the courts). If this deal goes through, I am going to Verizon. No way in hell will I ever be an AT&T customer.

TLDR version: Fuck AT&T

Comment Re:Bills to Pay (Score 1) 742

Totally agree regarding SGU. I liked the show to begin with (watched it last month) and initially I felt sad but as season one progressed, I was getting sick of the bickering. It wasn't a dark show, it was just childish bickering. Then I checked the ratings and it made total sense. Bad shows need to be canned. Period.

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