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Comment Re:Missing the point (Score 1) 321

I hadn't heard of Calibre either, before I googled for a way to get non-Amazon content on the Kindle.

Sure, ePub support would be great. The current situation is mildly annoying, but not something that keeps me up at night.

Comment Re:Nonsense (Score 1) 321

I can see how the organization is limited, but yeah, I usually just have a queue of 3-5 unread books. I've only had it for 3 years, though, and that's not a long-enough time frame for me to re-read something.

I haven't found the Kindle to be of much use for tech books and journals: it would need to be at least A4-sized and much sharper (and probably color) for that.

What I would appreciate is better within-book search, and more functional "X-Ray" (that's actually available for more than 1 book in 10).

Comment Nonsense (Score 2) 321

It's a book reader, only two things matter: screen quality and the ease of getting books on it.

I would've included battery life, but that's been a solved issue with the Kindle from the beginning.

None of the "killer" features listed would do a damn to improve the reading experience, and some of them would be very annoying. Didn't the whole Siri debacle finally demonstrate that no one wants to yell at their devices?

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